==================== #debian-ctte Meeting ==================== Meeting started by Emperor at 20:00:00 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/debian-ctte/2025/debian-ctte.2025-03-03-20.00.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * Roll call (Emperor, 20:00:11) * Review actions from previous meeting (Emperor, 20:04:20) * ACTION: Emperor to report systemd vs base-files to d-d@l.d.o (helmut, 20:10:47) * ACTION: helmut to check with Release Team about timescales for systemd bugfixes (Emperor, 20:17:13) * ACTION: Emperor to mail bluca re systemd fix implementation (Emperor, 20:17:40) * ACTION: helmut to work on NMU for systemd fixes if relevant given previous actions (Emperor, 20:18:01) * AGREED: take 17th as deadline subject to release team feedback (Emperor, 20:20:05) * Recruitment (Emperor, 20:20:15) * ACTION: Emperor to email the private list per jitsi discussion (Emperor, 20:40:54) * Bug #1065416: linux-libc-dev claims to provide linux-libc-dev-ARCH-cross, but it doesn't do that completely (Emperor, 20:41:35) Meeting ended at 21:09:28 UTC. Action Items ------------ * Emperor to report systemd vs base-files to d-d@l.d.o * helmut to check with Release Team about timescales for systemd bugfixes * Emperor to mail bluca re systemd fix implementation * helmut to work on NMU for systemd fixes if relevant given previous actions * Emperor to email the private list per jitsi discussion Action Items, by person ----------------------- * Emperor * Emperor to report systemd vs base-files to d-d@l.d.o * Emperor to mail bluca re systemd fix implementation * Emperor to email the private list per jitsi discussion * helmut * helmut to check with Release Team about timescales for systemd bugfixes * helmut to work on NMU for systemd fixes if relevant given previous actions * **UNASSIGNED** * (none) People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * Emperor (46) * tumbleweed (25) * helmut (25) * doko (11) * seeS (7) * Myon (6) * MeetBot (2) * mjg59 (2) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot