#debian-ctte Meeting

Meeting started by dondelelcaro at 18:59:24 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Who is here? (dondelelcaro, 18:59:31)
  2. Next Meeting? (dondelelcaro, 19:01:30)
    1. ACTION: dondelelcaro to update the meeting poll for november (dondelelcaro, 19:04:50)

  3. #771070 Coordinate plan and requirements for cross toolchain packages in Debian (dondelelcaro, 19:04:58)
    1. ACTION: odyx to followup with vorlon re notes from debconf meeting (dondelelcaro, 19:10:14)

  4. Constitutional change proposals (dondelelcaro, 19:11:54)
  5. #636783 Constitution: super-majority bug (dondelelcaro, 19:12:19)
    1. ACTION: aba to have the diff for Kurt on Saturday re supermajority (dondelelcaro, 19:14:37)

  6. #795854 Constitutional Amendment: Fix duplicate section numbering (A1) (dondelelcaro, 19:14:48)
  7. #795855 Formal cloture vote (dondelelcaro, 19:15:44)
    1. ACTION: hartmans to follow up with bdale about cloture vote (dondelelcaro, 19:16:37)

  8. #795857 TC chair appointment (dondelelcaro, 19:16:56)
  9. #795857 TC chair appointment (dondelelcaro, 19:17:49)
    1. ACTION: dondelelcaro to write up TC chair election process with after new member and/or within 3 months of resignation (dondelelcaro, 19:24:10)

  10. #795859 Permit TC to hold private conversations (dondelelcaro, 19:24:16)
    1. ACTION: dondelelcaro to close #795859 but allow any TC member or DD to champion it themselves (dondelelcaro, 19:31:28)

  11. #797533 New CTTE members (dondelelcaro, 19:31:36)
    1. ACTION: dondelelcaro to send out announcement for new members within the week (dondelelcaro, 19:34:16)
    2. AGREED: month for nominations (dondelelcaro, 19:36:07)

  12. Additional Business (dondelelcaro, 19:38:11)

Meeting ended at 19:44:45 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. dondelelcaro to update the meeting poll for november
  2. odyx to followup with vorlon re notes from debconf meeting
  3. aba to have the diff for Kurt on Saturday re supermajority
  4. hartmans to follow up with bdale about cloture vote
  5. dondelelcaro to write up TC chair election process with after new member and/or within 3 months of resignation
  6. dondelelcaro to close #795859 but allow any TC member or DD to champion it themselves
  7. dondelelcaro to send out announcement for new members within the week

Action items, by person

  1. aba
    1. aba to have the diff for Kurt on Saturday re supermajority
  2. bdale
    1. hartmans to follow up with bdale about cloture vote
  3. dondelelcaro
    1. dondelelcaro to update the meeting poll for november
    2. dondelelcaro to write up TC chair election process with after new member and/or within 3 months of resignation
    3. dondelelcaro to close #795859 but allow any TC member or DD to champion it themselves
    4. dondelelcaro to send out announcement for new members within the week
  4. hartmans
    1. hartmans to follow up with bdale about cloture vote

People present (lines said)

  1. dondelelcaro (97)
  2. OdyX (54)
  3. hartmans (43)
  4. aba (35)
  5. bdale (16)
  6. MeetBot (6)
  7. KGB-3 (1)
  8. jcristau (1)

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