======================= #debian-bcn2014 Meeting ======================= Meeting started by alexm at 20:06:53 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/debian-bcn2014/2014/debian-bcn2014.2014-03-02-20.06.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * LINK: https://wiki.debian.org/DebianWomen/Projects/MiniDebconf-Women/2014/Meetings (alexm, 20:07:32) * The venue: contact, opening and closing hours, wifi... (alexm, 20:07:54) * ACTION: alexm to ask for the wifi credentials ready before Thu 13 (alexm, 20:26:00) * ACTION: alexm to remind UB about the on-call budget (alexm, 20:26:44) * ACTION: alexm to confim the opening and closing hours (alexm, 20:27:22) * ACTION: alexm to ask whether we can store stuff overnight (maxmil, 20:27:59) * ACTION: alexm to ask if serving food and beverages is a problem (alexm, 20:36:46) * ACTION: alexm to ask about big banner place and size (alexm, 20:44:22) * LINK: https://wiki.debian.org/DebianWomen/Projects/MiniDebconf-Women/2014/Barcelona?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=ub-2-exterior-2.jpg (sim6, 20:50:16) * AGREED: leave the banner discussion for the list (alexm, 20:58:01) * Graphical design and t-shirts, banner, posters... (alexm, 20:59:09) * LINK: https://wiki.debian.org/DebianWomen/Projects/MiniDebconf-Women/2014/Design (sim6, 21:00:50) * LINK: https://dudle.inf.tu-dresden.de/debian-bcn2014-design/ (sim6, 21:16:41) * AGREED: to use designs 3* or 4* (alexm, 21:47:44) * the priority is the t-shirt and banner, we can have some extra days for the flyer (alexm, 21:56:21) * HELP: needed to work on a text for flyers (alexm, 21:57:35) * ACTION: the design team to send files to alexC for the t-shirts (alexm, 21:58:30) * Next meeting reminder (alexm, 22:01:42) * ACTION: sim6 to confirm that Almina Mar will be open (alexm, 22:08:46) * next meeting in person will be on Sun Mar 9th at 11:00 CET at Almina Bar (alexm, 22:09:16) Meeting ended at 22:11:25 UTC. Action Items ------------ * alexm to ask for the wifi credentials ready before Thu 13 * alexm to remind UB about the on-call budget * alexm to confim the opening and closing hours * alexm to ask whether we can store stuff overnight * alexm to ask if serving food and beverages is a problem * alexm to ask about big banner place and size * the design team to send files to alexC for the t-shirts * sim6 to confirm that Almina Mar will be open Action Items, by person ----------------------- * alexC * the design team to send files to alexC for the t-shirts * alexm * alexm to ask for the wifi credentials ready before Thu 13 * alexm to remind UB about the on-call budget * alexm to confim the opening and closing hours * alexm to ask whether we can store stuff overnight * alexm to ask if serving food and beverages is a problem * alexm to ask about big banner place and size * sim6 * sim6 to confirm that Almina Mar will be open * **UNASSIGNED** * (none) People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * alexm (96) * dunetna (93) * siri (51) * sim6 (41) * maxmil (24) * alexC (17) * Tincho (15) * dulzet (14) * ana (14) * frangor (10) * alba (7) * MeetBot (4) * jo0nas (4) * adria (3) * tictacbum (3) * h01ger (2) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot