====================== #debconf-video Meeting ====================== Meeting started by pollo at 17:59:10 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/debconf-video/2019/debconf-video.2019-03-05-17.59.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * Roll Call (pollo, 17:59:15) * Marseille Mini-DebConf (pollo, 18:04:14) * ACTION: pollo to poll the ML about participation to the Marseilles mini-DC (pollo, 18:09:56) * Hamburg Mini-DebConf (pollo, 18:13:27) * the Hamburg Mini-Dc is planned for June 5 to June 9 (8-9 for talks) (pollo, 18:15:06) * urbec plans to go to the Hamburg Mini-DC (pollo, 18:17:30) * ACTION: pollo to poll the ML about participation to the Hamburg mini-DC (pollo, 18:17:53) * ACTION: pollo to find out if RattusRattus can pick up the gear in Paris (pollo, 18:21:04) * if RattusRattus can't pick up the gear in Paris, we'll ship it there (from Marseilles?) (pollo, 18:22:53) * DebConf19 (pollo, 18:23:03) * ACTION: pollo to poll the ML about participation to DebConf19 (pollo, 18:25:20) * if you need travel sponsorship for DC19, please ping pollo with a guesstimate of how much you need (pollo, 18:28:43) * ACTION: pollo to collect a list of people from the videoteam needing travel sponsorship for DC19 and ask for an extension on the videoteam budget accordingly (pollo, 18:29:24) * All Other Business (pollo, 18:30:09) * Next meeting (pollo, 18:31:20) * AGREED: next meeting will be on Tuesday April 2nd, 18:00 to 19:00 UTC (pollo, 18:32:33) Meeting ended at 18:32:38 UTC. Action Items ------------ * pollo to poll the ML about participation to the Marseilles mini-DC * pollo to poll the ML about participation to the Hamburg mini-DC * pollo to find out if RattusRattus can pick up the gear in Paris * pollo to poll the ML about participation to DebConf19 * pollo to collect a list of people from the videoteam needing travel sponsorship for DC19 and ask for an extension on the videoteam budget accordingly Action Items, by person ----------------------- * pollo * pollo to poll the ML about participation to the Marseilles mini-DC * pollo to poll the ML about participation to the Hamburg mini-DC * pollo to find out if RattusRattus can pick up the gear in Paris * pollo to poll the ML about participation to DebConf19 * pollo to collect a list of people from the videoteam needing travel sponsorship for DC19 and ask for an extension on the videoteam budget accordingly * **UNASSIGNED** * (none) People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * pollo (56) * olasd (31) * urbec (9) * nattie (7) * tzafrir (4) * MeetBot (3) * CarlFK (2) * jcristau (1) * p2-mate (1) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot