18:01:12 #startmeeting 18:01:12 Meeting started Wed Jun 27 18:01:12 2018 UTC. The chair is pollo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:01:12 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 18:01:22 #topic Roll Call 18:01:34 Please say hello if you are here for the meeting! 18:02:00 meanwhile, have a look at the proposed agenda: http://deb.li/35Rds 18:02:15 MeetBot: pingall Videoteam meeting! 18:02:15 Videoteam meeting! 18:02:15 aeb afrocubanito[m] andrewsh CarlFK CarlFK[m] cate christoph coldtobi dagelf daven DLange dustinm``_ dwfreed esh FBI fil foka Ganneff ginggs Guest610 highvoltage ivodd jcristau jon_d jrtc27 KGB-1 KGB-2 larjona lenharo luca MadameZou markvandenborre mdrights[m] 18:02:15 medicalwei medicalwei[m] MeetBot mithro msantana nattie nicoo noahfx_ olasd p2-mate paddatrapper phls pollo RattusRattus shirish[m] Sledge stefani stefanor superfly t-c[m] taffit_ taffit_sud tumbleweed tvincent tzafrir valessio[m] valhalla wouter xfxf 18:02:15 Videoteam meeting! 18:02:17 :D 18:02:50 \o 18:05:13 Hello everyone 18:06:09 Po 18:06:12 wellll 18:06:18 pollo: seems to just be the 3 of us 18:06:21 #topic Audio Hardware follow-up 18:06:51 I've updated the wiki page with the new mic selection 18:07:01 Sorry I m not avaible. Watching soccers, Switzerland vs Costarica 🤭 18:07:05 * pollo wants us to get a bright pink and a blue mic: designstudio.shure.com 18:07:51 paddatrapper: can you post a link to the wiki page? 18:07:55 The only issue is I don't know exactly which frequency range will work for the most of ITU Region 1 (Europe and Africa). That is probably best found by talking to local resellers in the EU 18:08:31 #link https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/DebConf/Video/VideoTeamDocs/NewVideoTeamHardware#Front_of_House_Rack 18:09:09 nice thanks 18:09:24 #action olasd to try to get a quote on the new audio gear 18:09:40 hi, sorry I'm late 18:09:43 I guess the idea is to get the new kit in time for the Cambridge mini-dc 18:09:59 pollo: heh, those mic designs look cool! 18:10:13 that would be a great time to test it 18:10:19 having them in very different colors will help us differentiate them 18:10:37 subtle 18:10:38 Bright coloured pop sheilds could work too 18:10:40 I think paying 40$ for the color is worth it 18:10:48 40$ isn't bad at all 18:11:21 should we ask the DPL for approval before getting quotes? 18:11:29 Orders are limited to the US though, so tumbleweed or someone that side of the pond would have to collect 18:11:56 pollo: no, we need to have at least an estimate before going to our leerless feeder 18:12:08 good, that's what I thought 18:12:15 anything to add on this topic? 18:12:17 olasd: we have an estime 18:12:24 s/estime/estimate 18:13:14 in any case, DPL approval isn't really the bottleneck 18:13:44 what is? 18:14:06 can't we have Debian logos on these? $79 looks like a stealer, too 18:14:16 and then these won't get lost when lend out 18:14:36 paddatrapper: I'll try to have hard numbers by DebCamp so we can make the request and, if needed, talk about it in person 18:14:38 as long as it's bright pink I don't mind 18:14:51 the Debian logo is officially pink 18:15:01 all good things are 18:15:14 jcristau highlights on pink :) 18:15:31 #info we'll try to get hard numbers for the audio kit during DebCamp 18:15:32 prices on the wiki are pulled from a variety of online places, so hard numbers would be very useful 18:15:38 anything else? 18:15:42 paddatrapper: ack 18:15:47 I can add it to the sprint page 18:16:39 nothing else for me 18:16:55 #topic Preparations for DC18 18:17:45 I've managed to retrofit the opsises in the old camera flight cases 18:18:01 neatr 18:18:04 well, flight case singular 18:18:23 with all the random crap that was formerly in bags 18:20:02 I've submitted the temporary import paperwork, haven't heard back yet (but they close down at 4pm, so I'll probably hear from them tomorrow) 18:22:01 the only thing I'm (a tiny bit) worried about is that we're missing a set of adapters that are in Cottenham 18:22:12 adapters? 18:22:25 $Foo to hdmi 18:24:30 anything else to add? 18:24:32 the temporary import things will be 300 eur, extra luggage 150x6, and whatever needs to get me to and from the airport 18:24:50 olasd: you arrive on the 20th? 18:24:50 so overall around 1400 EUR 18:25:02 yes 18:25:09 I guess I could come and pick you up at the airport if that makes your life easier 18:25:33 pretty sure you won't be taking the train with the gear 18:26:13 my plan was to book a car or a cab 18:27:24 ok, well don't hesitate to howler if you need someone who kinda speaks mandarin :p 18:27:52 there'll be plenty of people speaking Mandarin there ;p 18:28:20 but yeah, thanks for the offer, I'll let you know 18:28:45 I'll look into it before the end of the week anyway 18:29:53 so many things to do, so little time 18:30:40 one other thing: do we have storage for the turbos? 18:30:55 turbots* silly autocorrect 18:31:24 wasn't the idea to put them inside the opsis' case? 18:31:53 That's the reason for the 1U cases, though they fit in the smaller ones too 18:32:37 disks 18:32:39 not space 18:32:56 ah, I guess not 18:33:14 ah, they should just need 16/32GB SD cards 18:33:14 we should buy a bunch of SSDs anyway for our laptops 18:33:28 meh @ SD cards 18:33:30 we're not recording to them 18:33:38 I guess we get to go shopping for El Cheapo SSDs 18:33:47 and SSDs won't fit in the smaller cases 18:34:02 hrm 18:34:09 \me thought the advantage of the turbots was the SATA port 18:34:43 How many do we have in the smaller cases? If they're mostly in the 1Us, then SSDs all the way 18:37:26 I have no idea. I don't remember in what we put the other opsises we have... 18:37:48 As far as I remember it was 3 in 1U and 2 in smaller 18:37:59 but could be wrong 18:38:22 worst case scenario we can fix the ssd with double-sided tape on top of the smaller case 18:38:30 * paddatrapper cringes 18:38:34 true 18:38:46 lol 18:38:52 better than hot glue I say 18:38:59 Well barely... 18:39:01 I can bring a hot glue gun 18:39:12 as long as it is USB powered :) 18:39:32 or 3d print some supports once we have a case and some measurements 18:39:45 wow there are actually such things 18:39:45 #info we want to buy a bunch of cheap SSDs for the turbots and the old laptops 18:40:37 we can either buy them in TW or have olasd order them of some web thingy in FR, as you whish 18:41:37 32G $5 https://www.ebay.com/itm/Sandisk-32GB-SSD-mSATA-Solid-State-Drive-X100-SD5SF2-032G-1010E/332700389102?epid=23020188794 18:42:22 if you are interested in 'that' I have a friend that works for a surplus company that sells them and I have confidence in the quality 18:42:45 do the turbots have msata? 18:42:56 i think so - daughter board maybe 18:43:08 anyway we can figure out the spdcifics off meeting 18:43:30 anything else to add? 18:43:34 also they have mssata-> sata thingys but they are not 2.5" drive size.. so zip ties :p 18:43:57 https://minnowboard.org/add-ons/silverjaw-lure 18:44:17 nothing from me 18:44:23 nope 18:44:37 except that DebCamp starts in three weeks 18:44:56 😭 18:44:56 nah, more than that 18:45:11 three weeks and two days 18:45:18 or three days 18:45:22 whatever 18:45:27 #topic AoB 18:45:54 ENOENT 18:46:14 #topic Next meeting 18:46:27 do we need a meeting before debcamp? 18:47:40 don't think so 18:47:47 me neither 18:47:51 as I don't think we have anything to decide until then 18:48:04 #endmeeting