Meeting started by h01ger at 18:00 UTC
18:01:08 Topic: 0. agenda at
18:05:52 Topic: 1. remaining fosdem and debconf7 videos
18:08:33 Topic: 2. debconf8
18:08:44 Topic: 2.1 debconf8 - hw planning
18:18:14 LINK h01ger this one
18:35:10 Topic: 2.2 debconf8 - test streams pre-debconf
18:38:38 Topic: 2.3 debconf8 - software, fai config
18:44:00 Topic: 2.4 debconf8 - volunteer scheduling in penta
18:45:41 Topic: 2.5 - debconf8 - debianday
18:49:14 Topic: 3. any other business
18:54:47 Topic: 4. next meeting
18:57:57 AGREED h01ger next meeting, probably saturday noon in RL
18:58:27 IDEA h01ger maybe have a irc meeting while in mdq as quite some people will not go to .ar
Meeting ended at 19:00.

People Present:
  1. h01ger
  2. LarstiQ
  3. edrz
  4. bwh
  5. karora
  6. des
  7. p2-mate
  8. dererk
  9. daven
  10. Q_

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