Meeting started by h01ger at 19:03 UTC
19:03:55 LINK h01ger has the agenda
19:04:03 Topic: agenda
19:07:39 Topic: unprocessed videos
19:08:50 LINK h01ger
19:14:07 IDEA h01ger anybody who want to help postprocess the remaining DC7 videos can download the raw files from a fast server on the net. they are huge. contact #debconf-video
19:15:15 Topic: FOSDEM
19:15:24 Topic: 2.1 FOSDEM - team
19:18:03 Topic: 2.2 fosdem - hardware
19:48:51 LINK daven
19:49:40 AGREED h01ger people who offer hardware please enter it on
19:50:22 Topic: 2.3 fosdem - software
19:56:49 AGREED h01ger we use the same setup as debconf7, plus selected newer versions. should also be put on the wiki and then uploaded to cmburns in the apt repo
19:56:56 Topic: 2.4 fosdem - streaming
20:05:09 Topic: 3. hardware hardware acquisitions
20:09:12 LINK h01ger for those wondering what it is
20:15:20 LINK daven
20:17:36 Topic: 4. next meeting, when?
20:20:53 AGREED h01ger we sort of agreed to have two short meetings, one on the 11th and one on the 18th. preferedly 45min meetings
20:22:14 AGREED h01ger meeting time 19 utc. we'll aim for 45min meetings.
Meeting ended at 20:26.

People Present:
  1. h01ger
  2. WombleToo
  3. hermanr_
  4. p2-mate
  5. toresbe
  6. daven
  7. xerakko

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