19:00:22 #startmeeting 19:00:22 Meeting started Mon Jan 20 19:00:22 2020 UTC. The chair is tzafrir. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:00:22 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 19:00:40 #topic Roll Call 19:01:37 * tzafrir is present 19:02:00 o/ 19:03:03 * nattie waves hi 19:03:28 * joostvb lurks 19:04:32 Not many people, but not much on the agenda 19:04:44 #topic Last Meeting Actions 19:05:10 nattie to ask FOSDEM orga how they handle LPI exams 19:05:43 sorry, I'm here 19:05:48 yes - i investigated that and told you a bit about it. do you need me to inquire further? 19:06:08 no, looks good. To be discussed in FOSDEM anyway. 19:06:12 *nods* 19:06:14 hey everyone 19:06:44 Next one: et's use anisa's color scale for website and brochure 19:06:51 Done. Right? 19:07:32 so far it's using just the blue/acqua 19:07:42 and the "Debian" red for some titles 19:07:49 hello 19:08:12 Are there any changes needed? 19:08:30 I don't see any TBH 19:09:05 I mean, could it be made better looking? yes. is that a priority? I don't think so 19:09:25 Next action: tzafrir to contact Ofer about favicon and "Haifa" font issue 19:10:01 It was mostly DLange anisa and karina in otuch with him. 19:11:07 So were those issues fixed? IIRC they were, but I wasn't following closely enough. 19:11:42 Hello, o/ I am sorry I am late. 19:11:47 I recall an email thread 19:12:29 Anyone currently in touch with Ofer, BTW? 19:13:40 So there are no pending issues here, I see. 19:14:11 Next action: terceiro to inform us of content-related dates at next meeting 19:14:20 yes 19:14:23 I'll paste 19:14:39 - Publish CFP: Jan 31st 19:14:40 - Official submission deadline: March 31st 19:14:40 - Submission results: April 19th 19:15:01 #info content-related deadlines: Publish CFP: Jan 31st; Official submission deadline: March 31st; Submission results: April 19th 19:15:37 the idea is to make this as early as possible so approved speakers can have that info available for bursaries 19:16:15 maybe the submission period could be even shorter? now that I think about it, 2 months is a long time 19:16:32 We always extend, as every conference does 19:16:52 yeah sure, this year the plan is to just continue receiving submissions after the deadline 19:16:55 The schedule won't fill up, usually 19:17:22 Question for later: what's blocking us from publishing a CfP 19:17:36 the problem is allowing people who need early confirmation to have it, for bursaries and other purposes 19:17:45 o/ 19:18:35 Next action: Get us some more contacts. Specifically also local branches of past and present sponsors 19:18:52 I can't say we made much progress here. 19:19:48 What do we need to do to make progress there? 19:23:05 speak to people who know other people. a few people showed interest, but most of them wanted the brochure as well. 19:23:06 I tried my best, but not so far no leads. 19:24:29 Any problem with using the current brochure? 19:24:38 yes 19:24:47 =) 19:25:04 we edited the living daylights out of that brochure, so *someone* should use it anyway 19:25:07 hopefully it will be done by the end of the week 19:26:30 you did a great job (thank you!!) but there was only so much that you could have done... there is still some content missing. I am on it 19:27:30 ah, fair enough :) 19:27:48 let me know if you want me to cast an eye on the content you add 19:28:16 fur sure. I wont dare release this without your aproval. 19:28:52 :) 19:28:53 (i still remember, in horror, the time you helped me with the presentation) 19:29:32 So, we have an action for preparing the brochure by next meeting? 19:29:52 yes. and a quick question 19:30:09 Ask ahead 19:31:22 #action karina to finish the brochure by next meeting 19:31:36 And carry on from last meeting: 19:32:04 #action Get us some more contacts. Specifically also local branches of past and present sponsors 19:33:13 gamba22: was there any question you wanted to ask? 19:33:58 Next action: tumbleweed to put out a call to the busary@ alias 19:34:23 I did. Several bites for staying on the team, but no lead 19:36:31 (sorry i got disconnected) 19:37:10 There are no other items on the agenda right now 19:37:28 #topic Any other Business? 19:38:24 One thing: if we are to publish a CfP on Jan-31, what do we need for that? 19:38:35 Anything blocking us? 19:39:08 not really, just the usual amount of proofreading i guess 19:39:11 no. content@ is preparing the cfp at http://deb.li/dc20cfp 19:39:49 and there is some discussion by email that is not reflected there yet 19:40:05 (I wondered about the site and other stuff. That's good) 19:40:13 Anything else? 19:43:30 Next meeting: Monday is Feb-3, right after FOSDEM. Is that OK? 19:43:58 (I'll probably be on my way back or just ariving) 19:45:32 should we have it on the monday or the tuesday? 19:45:45 people may not have arrived yet, or be really tired from travelling 19:46:15 or maybe push it one week later, since today we barely had topics to cover 19:47:05 (I'm fine either way) 19:47:49 I'm fine with pushing it a week. 19:47:53 yeah, i think maybe we should push it a week out, and then have the following meeting a week after that, then return to the regular fortnightly schedule 19:48:08 so next meeting 10 feb, meeting after that 17 feb, meeting after that (something) march 19:48:19 2 march 19:49:56 One week after another is a bit odd. Why not just Feb-24 after Feb-10? 19:50:29 i think possibly there will be more stuff to deal with in february 19:50:48 So we go back to bi-weekly 19:50:56 whatever suits you 19:51:08 10 feb, 24 feb, 9 march? 19:51:13 yes 19:51:19 we will need to start picking up to weekly at some point 19:52:17 #agreed Next meeting in three weeks, on Feb-10 19:00 UTC. 19:53:06 Anything else? 19:53:42 #endmeeting