#debconf-team Meeting

Meeting started by tumbleweed at 19:01:13 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. General (tumbleweed, 19:05:07)
    1. Diarise: braai at Nigel's place on 10 October. (indiebio, 19:09:32)
    2. start working on the timleine over the next few meetings (tumbleweed, 19:13:38)
    3. https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf16/Meetings/template (tumbleweed, 19:14:01)

  2. Task Groups Status Report (tumbleweed, 19:19:39)
    1. Ideally get status reports going to the mailing list before meetings, so that meetings can just deal with open questions/problems. (indiebio, 19:25:52)
    2. Talks: set someone up to ping when things are ready is more useful than trying to promise a date now (indiebio, 19:29:15)
    3. indiebio to send ack email to Enricho sponsor (indiebio, 19:31:38)
    4. AGREED: We will have a timeline meeting in about 2 weeks, requiring participation of PA, Content, Infra and any other interested parties (tumbleweed, 19:41:13)

  3. next meeting (tumbleweed, 19:47:15)

Meeting ended at 19:51:37 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. indiebio (119)
  2. tumbleweed (74)
  3. cate (21)
  4. marga (18)
  5. tamo_ (15)
  6. madduck (12)
  7. gwolf (11)
  8. larjona_m (8)
  9. tassia (8)
  10. ginggs (7)
  11. moray (5)
  12. MeetBot (4)
  13. edrz (4)
  14. bremner (4)
  15. Ganneff (1)
  16. jcristau (1)
  17. fil (1)
  18. highvoltage (1)

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