#debconf-team Meeting

Meeting started by vorlon at 18:58:57 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll Call (vorlon, 18:59:08)
    1. https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf14/Meetings#Global_meeting.2C_Tuesday_12_August_at_1900_UTC_.281200_PDT.29.2C_.23debconf-team.40irc.debian.org (vorlon, 18:59:46)

  2. Venue: final room configuration (vorlon, 19:00:32)
    1. ACTION: harmoney to ask PSU about thermostat control for the vanport/ballroom area (vorlon, 19:04:26)

  3. Dining: projections for number of sponsored/non-sponsored diners at each meal? (vorlon, 19:06:25)
    1. AGREED: set meal committment at 85% of the sponsored head count; if we can do it by meal, set at 85% for lunch and 75-80% for breakfast+dinner (vorlon, 19:17:11)
    2. AGREED: brunch is also 85% (vorlon, 19:17:32)

  4. Network: switch inventory and finalized configuration (vorlon, 19:24:15)
    1. gturner working with Keegan Ferrando to provide the switches, we have more than enough (vorlon, 19:28:10)

  5. Network: lead needed for setup, to mindmeld with Kees (vorlon, 19:35:16)
    1. https://debian.titanpad.com/19 https://debian.titanpad.com/20 (cate, 19:37:22)
    2. AGREED: taggart to be our local lead on the network setup, starting afternoon of Thursday the 21st (vorlon, 19:47:28)

  6. Schedule for local stand-up meetings during DebConf? (vorlon, 19:47:45)
    1. AGREED: daily stand-up meetings initially at the end of the lunch period; can modify on the ground as needed (vorlon, 20:00:30)

  7. Parking passes for the team - how many vehicles do we need on campus? (vorlon, 20:01:07)
    1. AGREED: local team to use best judgement regarding parking passes for volunteers (vorlon, 20:06:40)

  8. On Site Ad-Hoc/BoF Scheduling (vorlon, 20:06:51)
    1. AGREED: ad-hoc/bof scheduling via the wiki (vorlon, 20:14:08)
    2. ACTION: madduck to set up wiki page for ad-hoc/bof scheduling and figure out how to push the info out at regular intervals (vorlon, 20:14:22)

  9. What communications need to go out to attendees, and when/where? (vorlon, 20:17:33)
    1. https://debian.titanpad.com/20 - draft of what-to-pack, arrivals info (vorlon, 20:27:24)

  10. Banners: update on artwork and number of items to be printed (vorlon, 20:31:19)
    1. deadline for artwork for posters/banners: August 18 (vorlon, 20:33:46)
    2. ACTION: tmancill to communicate poster artwork deadline of EOD 16 August to Matto (vorlon, 20:34:18)

  11. tshirts, badges (vorlon, 20:34:42)
    1. ACTION: cate to ask OdyX about printing scripts for badges (vorlon, 20:35:46)

  12. Next meeting (vorlon, 20:38:44)

Meeting ended at 20:40:48 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. harmoney to ask PSU about thermostat control for the vanport/ballroom area
  2. madduck to set up wiki page for ad-hoc/bof scheduling and figure out how to push the info out at regular intervals
  3. tmancill to communicate poster artwork deadline of EOD 16 August to Matto
  4. cate to ask OdyX about printing scripts for badges

Action items, by person

  1. cate
    1. tmancill to communicate poster artwork deadline of EOD 16 August to Matto
    2. cate to ask OdyX about printing scripts for badges
  2. harmoney
    1. harmoney to ask PSU about thermostat control for the vanport/ballroom area
  3. madduck
    1. madduck to set up wiki page for ad-hoc/bof scheduling and figure out how to push the info out at regular intervals
  4. tmancill
    1. tmancill to communicate poster artwork deadline of EOD 16 August to Matto

People present (lines said)

  1. vorlon (242)
  2. madduck (98)
  3. moray (90)
  4. cate (40)
  5. harmoney (36)
  6. rmayorga (35)
  7. nattie (22)
  8. bkerensa (22)
  9. taggart (22)
  10. gwolf (20)
  11. gturner (19)
  12. vagrantc (15)
  13. tmancill (15)
  14. CarlFK (15)
  15. ana (13)
  16. Ganneff (12)
  17. RichiH (11)
  18. tiago (11)
  19. jrayhawk (6)
  20. _rene_ (5)
  21. formorer (3)
  22. edrz (3)
  23. kees (3)
  24. n0rman (3)
  25. Clint (2)
  26. MeetBot (2)
  27. zlatan (2)
  28. nibalizer (1)
  29. jmux (1)
  30. blarson (1)
  31. valessio (1)

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