#debconf-team: debconf team meeting

Meeting started by moray at 20:00:05 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. hello (moray, 20:00:16)
    1. http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf13/Meetings/20121122 <- Agenda is there. (OdyX, 20:02:12)
    2. Agenda: http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf13/Meetings/20121122 (OdyX, 20:02:22)

  2. Le Camp (moray, 20:02:27)
  3. le camp, contract status (h01ger, 20:09:22)
  4. contract signature: who, how, when (h01ger, 20:43:44)
    1. Not signing the contract as it is, at least until everybody is convince. (gwolf, 20:44:09)
    2. we mostly agree that 1 partial-week + 1 full week is our ideal world's solution. (OdyX, 20:56:58)
    3. This is getting long… (OdyX, 21:22:27)
    4. C is dead (h01ger, 21:34:36)
    5. AGREED: C is dead. (gwolf, 21:34:43)

  5. going in circles. coming to an end, maybe? (h01ger, 21:45:48)
    1. debconf1.debconf.org has ipv6. (OdyX, 21:52:35)
    2. AGREED: HUG! (gwolf, 21:58:28)
    3. AGREED: hug will try to negotiate a shorter contract, with the possibility of smaller-scale rental for DebCamp (gwolf, 21:58:48)
    4. we need a debconf13 association board meeting formally (XTaran, 22:12:12)
    5. [gwolf] meeting seems to be about to finish - With many issues still to talk (XTaran, 22:13:01)
    6. AGREED: consensus for the LeCamp final negotiation is: Sign one week if possible; if not negotiate the best deal you can for the DebCamp week. If only two weeks is agreeable, last-resort is a phone call with DebConf chairs. (gwolf, 22:17:37)

Meeting ended at 22:17:42 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. h01ger (243)
  2. gwolf (174)
  3. OdyX (116)
  4. hug (77)
  5. moray (71)
  6. pocock (45)
  7. XTaran (40)
  8. Y_Plentyn (34)
  9. gaudenz (21)
  10. gismo (19)
  11. fil (17)
  12. ana (16)
  13. FBI (16)
  14. heiserhorn (11)
  15. darst (6)
  16. rafw (3)
  17. MeetBot (3)
  18. gaudroid (2)
  19. Ganneff (2)
  20. mikam (2)
  21. n0rman (1)
  22. kevinmoilar (1)

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