18:03:46 <h01ger> #startmeeting 18:03:46 <MeetBot> Meeting started Wed Apr 25 18:03:46 2012 UTC. The chair is h01ger. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:03:46 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 18:04:01 <h01ger> #topic who wants to chair / who will write a report? 18:04:11 <h01ger> #chair moray gwolf 18:04:11 <MeetBot> Current chairs: gwolf h01ger moray 18:04:16 <h01ger> other victoms very welcome 18:04:29 <h01ger> "victims" even 18:05:08 <h01ger> MeetBot pingall hello all :) please say hola and participate 18:05:08 <MeetBot> hello all :) please say hola and participate 18:05:08 <MeetBot> aliceinwire allison amaya AndrewLee azeem bdale bgupta blarson_ brother- bubulle Caroll cate Clint cpt_nemo dam darst dkg edrz elsimio faw FBI fil Ganneff gaudenz gismo gnugr gregoa gwolf h01ger Hydroxide jeremyb jimbodoors Kaare karora kevinmoi1ar leogg lucas 18:05:08 <MeetBot> Lunacy MadameZou madduck marga maxy MeetBot moray n0rman nattie nomada nomadium paravoid paulproteus Rhonda rmayorga schultmc schultmc_ sgran simonft Sledge taffit tatotat tiago tiago-debian Tincho tokkee xamanu zumbi 18:05:08 <MeetBot> hello all :) please say hola and participate 18:05:19 <gwolf> hola and participate 18:05:27 <moray> hola 18:05:46 <xamanu> buenas 18:07:47 * gwolf prefers not to be the active-chair this time 18:07:51 <gwolf> (multitasking) 18:08:51 * h01ger gives gwolf 1 point 18:08:56 <h01ger> #topic localteam status update * UCA Status * network / server * food 18:09:37 <dkg> hello 18:09:38 <h01ger> so, it _is_ very hot here. forget socks, a 2nd pullover and such. bring an umbrella. 18:09:50 <dkg> present, but very distracted with other stuff :/ 18:10:09 * h01ger is also a bit distracted.. 18:10:18 <h01ger> so yesterday we had like 5 meetings 18:12:07 <xamanu> h01ger is writing 18:12:18 <gwolf> heh 18:12:21 <xamanu> but it is not coming through 18:12:29 <moray> interesting 18:12:34 <xamanu> but we are in the same network 18:12:42 <h01ger> i saw the venue 18:12:43 <h01ger> UCA (universidad centro americana) 18:12:43 <h01ger> the auditroiums, hacklabs, head of it's office, real serverroom, our serverroom (with ac and some desks) 18:12:43 <h01ger> that looked all very nice and the people were/are friendly and supportive 18:12:43 <h01ger> xamanu, others: please correct me 18:12:43 <h01ger> i see xamanu 18:12:43 <h01ger> gwolf, did you see what i said 18:12:43 <h01ger> about uca? etc 18:12:43 <h01ger> ? 18:12:44 <h01ger> i irc from .de 18:12:57 <gwolf> h01ger: there you ar 18:12:58 <gwolf> e 18:12:59 <moray> and there are some lines now 18:13:00 <h01ger> <h01ger> so yesterday we had like 5 meetings 18:13:00 <h01ger> <h01ger> i saw the venue 18:13:00 <h01ger> <h01ger> UCA (universidad centro americana) 18:13:00 <h01ger> <h01ger> the auditroiums, hacklabs, head of it's office, real serverroom, our serverroom (with ac and some desks) 18:13:00 <h01ger> <h01ger> that looked all very nice and the people were/are friendly and supportive 18:13:01 <h01ger> <h01ger> xamanu, others: please correct me 18:13:14 <h01ger> ok, this i saw instantly on xamanus screen 18:13:35 <moray> any topics we need to decide on? 18:13:46 <moray> or we can just say "local team are working on this, good"? 18:13:50 <h01ger> we need to create a network map 18:13:54 <h01ger> and localteam will be working on this ;) 18:14:12 <h01ger> we will have another meeting with uca it staff next monday 18:14:13 * xamanu nods 18:14:15 <h01ger> with gwolf too 18:14:23 * h01ger checks his flight dates 18:14:30 <gwolf> h01ger: monday 7 18:14:51 <moray> any advance on the food plan, or do we just hand out churros in the hacklabs twice a day? 18:14:57 <xamanu> the requested space for food was not given to us :/ 18:15:05 <moray> yeah, that's why I ask 18:15:08 <xamanu> we are looking for alternatives 18:15:29 <h01ger> gwolf, yeah. but the meeting is at 9am and my plane goes in the afternoon and iirc yours even later 18:15:31 <xamanu> there is an open space in between two buildings, we could use 18:15:40 <xamanu> but we would need tents 18:15:51 <xamanu> not perfect. we will keep on looking 18:16:02 <gwolf> h01ger: Ok. It will be a bit rushed then, but looking forwards to it... 18:16:03 <h01ger> and there are several options for food supplier - "localteam is working on it and exploring several options" 18:16:08 <h01ger> including hilton catering 18:16:14 <h01ger> had a meeting with them yesterday too 18:16:20 <moray> ok 18:16:21 <xamanu> the food team is active anyway and meeting. 18:16:34 <gwolf> #info food team is active and meeting, looking for a proper place 18:16:35 <moray> yup 18:16:57 <h01ger> we also had a meeting with goverment people, "localteam is working on many things and exploring several options" 18:17:17 <h01ger> i'm very happy with the things i've been see here 18:17:28 <h01ger> in the short time i'm here 18:17:41 <h01ger> oh 18:17:49 <h01ger> and we need some servers and we need some admins 18:18:17 <h01ger> ie preferedbly people who already did debconf admin things and who will attend debcamp 18:18:27 <h01ger> we think localteam people will be too busy with other things 18:18:30 <moray> yes 18:18:45 * h01ger pings fil dkg paravoid and weasel for good measure :) 18:18:54 <h01ger> (please read last few lines) 18:18:58 <moray> h01ger: if not, we are allowed to get new people too 18:19:03 <h01ger> sure 18:19:07 <h01ger> oh 18:19:21 <h01ger> and it would be great to get the buffolo routers from nyc 18:19:24 <h01ger> dkg, ^^^^^ 18:19:32 <h01ger> #info and it would be great to get the buffolo routers from nyc 18:19:33 <paravoid> I think we agreed on having a different debconf admin team than dsa last time around? 18:19:39 <gwolf> #info h01ger has been jumping from meeting to meeting 18:19:45 <dkg> h01ger: i think we already got the buffalo routers out of nyc 18:19:56 <h01ger> gwolf, y hablando mucho espaniol :) 18:19:59 <gwolf> #info We need some servers and admins 18:20:04 <h01ger> eschuchando mas 18:20:21 <gwolf> h01ger: oops, that probably means we will have grass for lunch 2Km South from the airport... 18:20:24 <gwolf> :) 18:20:34 <h01ger> we really need one homer and one (or 2 or 3) video encoding machines, anything else? 18:20:50 <h01ger> gwolf, si, claro. es muy verde y rico!! 18:21:01 <moray> h01ger: normally we have an open server so that people can put data there then lose it when the machine gets taken down at the end of debconf :) 18:21:12 <h01ger> moray, that could be homer 18:21:28 <moray> sure. I don't really think it's important anyway 18:21:36 <h01ger> traditionally its not, but its kinda hard to get 19" datacenter hw here. if you can bring it, the better 18:21:37 <moray> as long as we have network 18:21:54 <moray> since apparently Debian has some hardware even outside DebConf 18:22:04 <gwolf> h01ger: can hardware be lent locally? 18:22:23 <gwolf> h01ger: it'll be much easier not to cross customs with heavy expensive stuff on 18:23:06 <xamanu> gwolf: I just asked the Cultural Center of Spain in Nicaragua and they are viewing if they can give us 2 or 3 computers 18:23:29 <xamanu> gwolf: maybe n0rman can sponsor some older computers from this school... 18:24:36 <h01ger> btw, bringing two laptops, a pdf reader, a camera and a router was no issue whatsoever. hello public log. its my stuff / stuff that i will look after and that i will bring back to .de 18:24:37 <h01ger> anything else you want to ask me? 18:24:38 <h01ger> else i suggest to move on to the next topic 18:24:40 <gwolf> xamanu: ok... We have to see what does "older" mean 18:24:43 <h01ger> . 18:25:03 <xamanu> yes, n0rman will know better 18:25:12 <h01ger> #info computers are asked for from ccen and n0rman 18:25:32 <h01ger> anything else from localteam status update? 18:25:37 <h01ger> (minus coming subtopics) 18:26:10 <xamanu> we could ask some other NGOs (friend) as well. i think it is going to be relatively easy to get computers (easier than money at least) 18:27:54 <moray> next topic some time? 18:28:07 <gwolf> #topic Registration status 18:28:15 <moray> does anyone have current numbers? 18:28:18 <gwolf> Well, registration is going on... As planned, I'd say 18:28:23 <moray> munin still seems to be showing last year's 18:28:34 <gwolf> moray: looking it up, wait 18:28:43 <moray> (we really need archiving of munin data to happen, soon after each debconf) 18:28:51 <gwolf> moray: I mailed admin@ asking munin to generate DC12 graphs, but no action yet 18:29:06 <moray> right, we also need the archive, preferably showing the useful parts of the graphs 18:29:10 <moray> (i.e. not just flat ones) 18:29:52 * h01ger will look at munin later today 18:29:54 <gwolf> 100 people have registered for DC12 so far 18:30:15 <h01ger> #info h01ger will look at munin later today - help/hint from ganneff appreciated else i will grep in last years log 18:30:18 <gwolf> One coprorate 18:30:30 <gwolf> Nine professional 18:30:43 <gwolf> 63 want sponsored food+accom 18:30:52 <gwolf> 10 want sponsored food 18:31:03 <gwolf> 3 want sponsored accom 18:31:24 <gwolf> 10 are basic but want nothing sponsored (that is... equivalent to professional?) 18:31:59 <moray> gwolf: well, some of those 10 might just have things wrong 18:32:00 <h01ger> gwolf, can you please explain (after the meeting) how+where to run what to get those numbers? localteam would like that 18:32:19 <gwolf> h01ger: I showed it to leogg and n0rman IIRC 18:32:22 <xamanu> gwolf: noup. basic is not paying anything and not getting accommodation arranged by the local team 18:32:53 <gwolf> it's by setting Conference:DC12, Attend:yes and any other filters you might find interesting in https://penta.debconf.org/penta/pentabarf/find_person 18:33:01 <gwolf> of course, for anybody with role:admin 18:33:07 <gwolf> xamanu: precisely :) 18:33:10 * h01ger is reminded that UCA required photo ids (=debconf nametags) and that they were ok with not photos as long as people carried official id with photos. (carrying this is legal requirement here anyway so we agreed) 18:33:13 <gwolf> well, yes, they could be lodged elsewhere 18:33:22 <h01ger> so we were thinking of just using the photos from penta 18:33:35 <gwolf> #info we must communicate people we have to carry an official ID with photo at all times 18:33:42 <h01ger> and if they match with your real face, yay. and if not, you might need to show id 18:33:47 <xamanu> h01ger: ahm, copy of official document is fine as well 18:34:17 <xamanu> for police as well, mostly 18:34:19 <h01ger> gwolf, i disagree. we dont need to remind people to follow each + very law explicitly. dont be so german ;) 18:34:20 <gwolf> #info If people upload a photo matching their face to Pentabarf, the DebConf ID might be enough 18:34:27 <h01ger> xamanu, right 18:34:46 <gwolf> h01ger: well, we should advise they are supposed to. We understand they might not comply. 18:34:49 <h01ger> #info <xamanu> h01ger: ahm, copy of official document is fine as well 18:34:58 <h01ger> #info when with the romans, do like the romans 18:35:18 <h01ger> gwolf, what we really must make sure is to get a db export with photo 18:35:23 <gwolf> I didn't know of it, and I didn't carry my IDs with me in Nicaragua 18:35:26 <h01ger> thats the biggest diff to previous years ;) 18:35:37 <h01ger> gwolf, que taliban! 18:35:45 <gwolf> :) 18:35:54 <gwolf> h01ger: DB export with photo? what for? 18:36:03 <h01ger> to create those ides 18:36:04 <h01ger> ids 18:36:09 <h01ger> "technical detail" 18:36:11 <h01ger> next point? 18:36:26 <h01ger> subtopic cooperate/professional costs 18:36:43 <gwolf> yup. US$1300 / US$650 18:36:46 <gwolf> any questions? 18:36:51 <h01ger> is that realistic? 18:37:06 <gwolf> should it be less? more? 18:37:17 <h01ger> it has to cover actual food+accom costs, anything else? 18:37:33 <moray> h01ger: in principle it would also cover a proportion of central costs 18:37:44 * h01ger is just not fully convinced we did the math based on latest hotel offers 18:37:45 <moray> i.e. central costs / number of attendees 18:38:12 <gwolf> h01ger: If we modify the number, it should be downwards 18:38:22 <gwolf> and after we have a decision regarding food logistics! 18:38:32 <moray> right, we should only adjust it up if there's a crisis, but down is fine 18:38:39 <moray> but, I think we can't decide today, indeed 18:39:16 * h01ger discusses math with xamanu 18:39:19 <h01ger> seems legit 18:39:22 <gwolf> So... Next topic for now? 18:39:33 <h01ger> yes 18:39:34 <gwolf> #topic Fundraising status 18:40:02 <moray> how much is expected currently, vs. budget? 18:40:07 * gwolf has sent a link-spammer to our sponsors page ;-) 18:40:13 * h01ger has backlog on this todo, ie getting invoices (and getting n0rman and zumbie to be able to that too) from ffis and also contacting some sponsors 18:40:20 <h01ger> will do while i'm here, and also asap 18:40:52 <h01ger> just got too many meetings... 18:41:01 <h01ger> .oO( in my holidays.. ) 18:41:06 <xamanu> :) 18:41:16 <h01ger> numbers of two weeks ago were 47k raised? 18:41:35 <h01ger> darst, can you make sponsors-table.txt nicely grep'able again= 18:41:37 <h01ger> ? 18:41:46 <h01ger> anybody knows current numbers? 18:42:17 <darst> hi 18:42:23 <darst> I can 18:42:35 <h01ger> darst, hi & muchas gracias a ti! :-) 18:42:37 <darst> (but i'm not the onylone woh can) 18:42:44 <darst> (im in and out) 18:43:08 <h01ger> darst, i'm picking easy targets for you, just to offload others at least a tiny bit 18:43:23 <xamanu> leogg told me one week ago that USD 43,722 has been raised so far... 18:43:36 <h01ger> ah 18:44:08 <gwolf> and our minimum target sits at..? 18:44:31 <h01ger> so we quite probably will need to do more fundraising efforts, do more fundraising efforts, ask debian for money, cancel (parts of planned) travel sponsorship, maybe ask attendees to donate 100e, ... 18:44:48 <xamanu> gwolf: 47K 18:44:55 <h01ger> gwolf, i suggest to come for a plan for this con tigo aqui ;) (=next weekend meeting in real life in MgA) 18:44:59 <h01ger> MGA even 18:45:21 <gwolf> h01ger: yes... I have been unsuccessful in even thinking on whom to approach to get money :-( 18:45:54 <moray> h01ger: maybe you can schedule a fundraising meeting some time after that 18:45:55 <gwolf> xamanu: so we are US$4K away from the minimum to hold a conference? 18:45:59 <h01ger> #info we need fundraisers and debconf admins. hello dc13 team, your chance to get involved in dc12 now ;-) 18:46:04 <gwolf> xamanu: or 47K awau? 18:46:07 <gwolf> s/u/y/ 18:46:20 <gwolf> I *really* doubt we have lowered the budget to 47K 18:46:28 <xamanu> gwolf: maybe 2.5K because we have one corporate registration ;) 18:46:37 <h01ger> moray, uff. atm i'm drowning in local meetings and heat here 18:46:55 * h01ger notes down the idea anyway 18:47:20 <xamanu> gwolf: in case you doubt look at the estimate. of course some things are missing... 18:47:33 <xamanu> and others are not confirmed at all. 18:47:36 * gwolf notes 10 people (xamanu, jimbodoors and h01ger included) have not chosen their attendee type in pentabarf 18:47:38 <gwolf> so please do 18:47:51 <moray> next topic? 18:47:52 <gwolf> xamanu: perfect... So we are close to the bare minimum 18:47:56 * h01ger has another real life meeting in 13min btw and might then just vanish - well i'll make sure i still see my laptop 18:47:57 <gwolf> and that's great! 18:48:07 <gwolf> #topic 803634306 18:48:09 <gwolf> sorry 18:48:13 <gwolf> #topic Arrival date/DebConf start date 18:48:21 <moray> h01ger: I would like to vanish before that really :) 18:48:26 <gwolf> damn clipboard buffers :) 18:48:28 <h01ger> gwolf, ui. i thought i did. the old bug again 18:48:29 <h01ger> ? 18:48:34 * h01ger :///// 18:48:38 <moray> this topic is just about arrival vs. first day confusion 18:48:45 <gwolf> ¿? 18:48:48 <h01ger> ah. that old bug again again. 18:48:50 <moray> which is really the first day / when do we want people to arrive? 18:48:53 <moray> it can't be both 18:49:07 <moray> of course, if we have money troubles, making it the arrival day is better 18:49:21 <moray> rather than adding an extra day of food+accommodation 18:49:22 <h01ger> gaudenz, onyx: ^^^^^ last 10 lines 18:49:29 <gwolf> h01ger: no, it's not the old bug - I guess you are the first set of people registered into DC12, before the changes I did before opening registration 18:49:34 <h01ger> please take care that will not pop up again with frab 18:49:52 <h01ger> gwolf, the bug penta forgetting things even if people know they pressed save 18:49:56 <h01ger> i've seen that 18:49:59 <gwolf> oh 18:50:08 <h01ger> not last year, but sometime in the past 18:50:25 <h01ger> so we need penta registration results sanity watch 18:51:12 <h01ger> anyway 18:51:15 <h01ger> the date cofusion 18:51:17 <h01ger> +n 18:51:20 <h01ger> how to fix it? 18:51:24 <gwolf> About arrival/start date... We must give people the possibility to arrive a day before activities start IMO 18:51:37 <moray> I forget where the date list is currently anyway 18:51:40 <gwolf> it costs us an extra night, yes, but we don't want people to miss day 1 18:51:52 <moray> gwolf: right, but we don't need to have that as day 1 18:52:08 <gwolf> I'm confused by failing to see a confusion... 18:52:11 <cate> When do the usual flight arrives? 18:52:12 * h01ger vanishes 18:52:15 <moray> http://debconf12.debconf.org/dates.xhtml 18:52:25 <moray> we list arrival day correctly 18:52:28 <moray> but then "debconf day 2" 18:52:29 <gwolf> h01ger: o/ 18:52:34 <moray> I just suggest renumbering the numbers 18:52:41 <cate> And saturday is still a possible arrival day 18:52:52 <cate> according the text 18:53:03 <moray> we already told people to arrive that Sunday by preference 18:53:24 <gwolf> Sunday (8) is marked as DebianDay (in Pentabarf) 18:53:31 <gwolf> And Monday (9) is marked as DebConf day 1 18:53:38 <moray> right, so I suggest we just fix that web page 18:53:51 <gwolf> ah, dates.xhtml 18:53:53 <moray> to avoid confusion (and avoid accidentally creating extra costs) 18:54:02 <gwolf> right.. so, make taht page match what's currently in penta 18:54:05 <moray> please 18:54:21 <moray> (unless someone disagrees, this topic is done) 18:55:16 <gwolf> ok - Subtopic: "we might have buses" 18:55:23 <gwolf> I'd suggest... not to even care about buses 18:55:42 <gwolf> A taxi from the airport to the venue should not be very expensive, right? 18:55:53 <gwolf> And buses have proven to be problematic 18:55:54 <cate> gwolf: no (IIRC from the wiki) 18:56:03 <xamanu> gwolf: we talked about this yesterday with the government people 18:56:14 <xamanu> they might easily sponsor buses 18:56:27 <xamanu> if not we wont care 18:56:29 <moray> better if they sponsor something else... 18:56:36 <xamanu> moray: like? 18:56:51 <moray> xamanu: anything that we *need* 18:56:51 <gwolf> xamanu: food? 18:56:57 <gwolf> xamanu: a place for getting the food? 18:57:04 <gwolf> xamanu: actual money for the hotels? 18:57:13 <gwolf> there are many many things we might prefer to have sponsored 18:57:19 * moray has to go ASAP 18:57:36 <xamanu> moray: we talked about a lot of stuff with them: tax exoneration, food, welcome room in the airport, migration/visa contact, security/tourist police 18:58:09 <moray> right -- please send updates to the list 18:58:20 <gwolf> xamanu: arranging the logistics to use the buses is usually harder than any other thing :) 18:58:22 <xamanu> ..., using their media channels for publicity for Debian Day, T-Shirts printing, sponsors contacts 18:58:43 <moray> anyway, I have to leave, speak to you all soon 18:58:46 <gwolf> anyway, lets not keep moray waiting here... Can we just declare AOB and treat this topic in mail? 18:58:49 <xamanu> gwolf: yes, but a good service for the attendees 18:58:58 <xamanu> gwolf: ye 18:59:01 <gwolf> #topic AOB/next meeting 18:59:09 <gwolf> Two weeks from now? 18:59:22 <moray> sounds sensible 18:59:25 <moray> (bye) 18:59:34 <gwolf> May 9 18:00UTC 18:59:48 <gwolf> #info Next meeting: May 9 18:00UTC (two weeks from now) 18:59:53 <gwolf> AOB by anybody? 18:59:58 <cate> hmm 19:00:08 <gwolf> xamanu: please take the buses and other options topic to the list 19:00:09 <cate> 9 May there is a local meeting of debconf13 19:00:48 <cate> not that many debconf13 organizer was here 19:00:51 <gwolf> cate: please ask on the DC list if we can hold the DC12 meeting a bit earlier then 19:01:24 <gwolf> cate: h01ger and moray are gone, and n0rman, leogg and jimbodoors are not here... So moving from our usual schedule should be done in the list IMO 19:01:31 <xamanu> gwolf: yes, but can we wait a bit I'm still not that sure what we can expect by now. On Friday we will call them and have a first response on all brainstormy possibilities of colaboration 19:01:32 <gwolf> (I'm fine with having the meeting 1hr earlier or so) 19:01:33 <cate> ok 19:02:09 <gwolf> xamanu: well... I think that if they want to sponsor with buses, they can do it - it's a service after all 19:02:18 <gwolf> but it's not a high priority thing, I think 19:02:19 <xamanu> gwolf: right 19:02:32 <gwolf> So, is this meeeting closed? 19:02:39 <cate> yes 19:02:41 <gwolf> #endmeeting !