========================================= #debconf-team: DebConf13 decision meeting ========================================= Meeting started by Caroll at 19:03:19 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/debconf-team/2012/debconf-team.2012-02-20-19.03.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * Introductions/questions (Caroll, 19:04:00) * The designated speakers are, for Latvia, aigarius_lv and pecisk_lv, and for Switzerland, gismo_ch and gaudenz_ch (gwolf, 19:05:41) * LINK: http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf13/Latvia (Caroll, 19:06:00) * LINK: http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf13/Switzerland/Bid (Caroll, 19:06:00) * the channel is now moderated. For participation, please join #debconf-discuss and we will try to relay. (gwolf, 19:06:11) * LINK: http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf13/Meetings does have the agenda, just not so detailed (moray, 19:10:26) * Switzerland focuses on a "DebConf inside the nature" (gwolf, 19:15:18) * Proposed venue: "Le Camp", managed by YMCA, can accomodate 325 people plus campers (camping allowed) (gwolf, 19:16:23) * bid teams have 10 minutes to give a quick introduction (Caroll, 19:18:19) * Latvia bid: In the University in the center of Riga (capital); accomodation available in hostels or more expensive hotels (gwolf, 19:20:53) * Riga is either a cheap student focused bid or a really touristy bid, depending on how much we have to spend (gwolf, 19:22:49) * Bid team answers -- weak and strong points of bids (Caroll, 19:23:42) * Latvia priority list http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf13/Latvia/PriorityList (Caroll, 19:28:09) * Switzerland priority list http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf13/Switzerland/Bid/PriorityList#DebConf_PriorityList (Caroll, 19:28:39) * Weather in August in .ch is usually sunny, 15-25°C (gwolf, 19:30:04) * For sponsorship information: debian.ch is sponsored by , which has been already contacted for DebConf13; for other sponsors >http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf13/Switzerland/minutes-20111116#Possible_sponsors (gwolf, 19:30:46) * Latvian team: No significant local monetary sponsorship is expected, as the current crisis has hit Latvia particularly hard. Situation might change later on. (gwolf, 19:32:07) * LINK: http://lists.debconf.org/lurker/message/20120203.112740.319f61fc.en.html is the mail (gaudenz_ch, 19:33:35) * Priority list (Caroll, 19:35:05) * LINK: http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/PriorityList (Caroll, 19:35:48) * Overall preliminary budgets offered: Switzerland, ~€175,000; Latvia, ~€147,350 (gwolf, 19:39:36) * Latvia with a hostel option - 86,000 € (aigarius_lv, 19:40:47) * Actually, Latvia has two possible bids, depending on our desired luxury level: 85,925 and 147,350 (gwolf, 19:40:50) * .lv option includes daytrip and formal dinner (~15000€ together) (gwolf, 19:42:40) * Latvia is more affordable. (gwolf, 19:43:46) * Switzerland has a stronger, maturer, more experienced local team (gwolf, 19:45:34) * Working spaces is a tie. (gwolf, 19:59:23) * LINK: http://www.lu.lv/eng/visitors/rooms/greathall/ - here are some images of LU great hall if someone is interested (aigarius_lv, 20:00:48) * Latvia wins re: connectivity (gwolf, 20:02:02) * Latvia has more variety for eating nearby (gwolf, 20:06:41) * LINK: http://osm.org/go/0wJddJkGJ-- Riga's old town, mapped nicely with lot of eathing places (pecisk_lv, 20:06:52) * the ch bid will have "inside" good food, so not a total win for lv? (aroundthfur, 20:08:00) * vegan/vegetarian foods available in both venues (aroundthfur, 20:11:39) * Latvia has more lodging options (gwolf, 20:12:51) * i seriously doubt that riga has better lodging if we can mix camping+housing at le camp (h01ger, 20:16:10) * lv bid already has almost everything set up in the venue, while we need to set up everything ourselfs for the ch bid (aroundthfur, 20:17:20) * Latvian bid has the presentation facilities all set up (gwolf, 20:17:52) * Regarding travel logistics, given they are such different settings, we have another near-tie (gwolf, 20:22:31) * accessibility: slight win for .ch though .lv is also well suitable (h01ger, 20:29:41) * 10min break til 20:43 (h01ger, 20:32:39) * Discussion (Caroll, 20:42:57) * LINK: http://meetbot.debian.net/debconf-team/2012/debconf-team.2012-02-20-19.03.html has a summary, FWIW (h01ger, 20:56:39) * DECISION (gwolf, 21:09:15) * it's frustrating to have two great and so balanced options (gwolf, 21:14:47) * so we are ten people on the comitee, but marga is absent? (and bdale pondering) (h01ger, 21:16:58) * DECISION is now running since almost 15min (Meeting topic: DebConf13 decision meeting) (h01ger, 21:23:07) * yes we are done :) (h01ger, 21:27:32) Meeting ended at 21:29:54 UTC. Action Items ------------ Action Items, by person ----------------------- * **UNASSIGNED** * (none) People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * gwolf (196) * moray (91) * gismo_ch (87) * h01ger (81) * bdale (62) * ultrt (56) * Caroll (51) * gaudenz_ch (50) * bubulle (48) * aigarius_lv (48) * karora (20) * pecisk_lv (19) * aroundthfur (19) * ana (18) * cate_ch (5) * MeetBot (4) * Tincho (3) * Ganneff (2) * XTaran_ch (2) * Heiserhorn_ch (1) * gregoa (1) * rudolfs_lv (1) * lucas (1) * Odyx_Mobile (1) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot