#debconf-team Meeting

Meeting started by h01ger at 19:02:29 UTC. (full logs)
19:04:02 Topic: 1. Talk schedule
19:08:13 INFOh01gerscheduling is going slow, only one out of 3 volunteers is working on it.
19:08:51 INFOh01geranybody willing and able to help scheduling talks?
19:12:18 Topic: 2. Printed proceedings
19:14:49 INFOh01gerproceedings are not being worked one. papers have been uploaded to penta, someone needs to work on this..
19:15:40 INFOh01gerpaper deadline is not on the website..
19:16:05 Topic: 3. Open Day
19:18:11 INFOh01gerhttp://lists.debconf.org/lurker/message/20090613.000701.c38ba3bd.en.html
19:20:30 LINKan3ashttp://lists.debconf.org/lurker/message/20090613.000701.c38ba3bd.en.html
19:21:01 INFOh01gerpaper submission deadline in penta according to the mail: "by midnight on Friday 3 July"
19:24:53 INFOh01geranto will help an3as scheduling open day in spanish and english
19:25:14 Topic: 4. Money Tracking (making sure attendees paid, making sure we know which sponsors have money deposited in the bank accounts)
19:27:48 INFOh01ger<anto> all sponsors in Extremadura pay our providers, no deposited in FFIS
19:29:10 INFOh01gerschultmc and Hydroxide are tracking money status
19:30:42 Topic: 5. Insurance for equipment (and liability)
19:33:26 INFOh01gersomeone has to start a list what we need to insure and put it into -team svn
19:33:38 INFOh01gerh01ger will ping ben about his employers stuff
19:33:58 INFOh01gercek said he would look into insurance
19:34:09 Topic: 6. Payment for partial debconf week? (see list message)
19:39:02 Topic: 7. Fixing categories of participants.
19:42:14 INFOh01gerpeople have been mailed about being in wrong categories but the replies have not been dealt with
19:43:09 INFOHydroxidenoodles will follow up on this
19:46:19 INFOh01gerNoodles is fixing categories of participants
19:47:32 Topic: 8. Next Meeting
19:50:35 AGREEDh01gerlocalteam meeting in spanish next week again, globalteam meeting in .en in 2 weeks. same day+time
19:50:49 Topic: 9. AOB
19:53:07 INFOh01gert-shirts are doing fine. final PDFS are thanks to dam in Gaby's hands. any new bronze+sponsors don't get on the t-shirt
Meeting ended at 19:58:36 UTC. (full logs)

Action Items

Action Items, by person
    1. (none)

People Present (lines said):
  1. h01ger (104)
  2. moray (45)
  3. Hydroxide (41)
  4. Noodles (40)
  5. an3as (36)
  6. MrBeige (15)
  7. Ganneff (12)
  8. anto (9)
  9. Sledge (7)
  10. schultmc (4)
  11. dam (2)
  12. FBI (2)
  13. TransBot (1)
  14. marga (1)
  15. gregoa (1)

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