20:05:06 | Topic: Venue decision. | ||
20:05:46 | LINK | des | http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf8/AltVenueProposals |
20:09:54 | LINK | beuno | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hotel_Bauen is an interesting read |
20:21:30 | LINK | des | http://charon.damianv.com.ar/planomardelplata_ref.jpg |
20:44:23 | AGREED | marga | Conference places (hacklab/talks/rooms/food) shouldn't be separated more than 200m away. 0m is always better. |
20:49:17 | AGREED | marga | We shouldn't move the conf to BA unless we get a better price for the same quality. |
20:54:09 | AGREED | marga | We will take one more week of exploring options and try to make the best decision by then. |
20:55:01 | ACTION | marga | Tincho (and maybe des) will be exploring options in MDQ in the next days. |
20:57:50 | Topic: Next meeting | ||
21:03:24 | AGREED | marga | Next meeting: Monday May 5th, 20:00 UTC |
21:03:33 | Topic: AOB ? | ||
21:09:11 | AGREED | marga | The price for "Professional" attendee shall be 300 USD from now on. The others are to be considered "discounted" and might be invited to pay the extra 50 USD. |
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