#debconf-nyc Meeting

Meeting started by Hydroxide at 23:00:05 UTC. (full logs)
23:00:25 Topic: Logo
23:08:14 AGREEDHydroxideJimmy will send a deadline announcement to the list after this meeting, CCing the same people, and linking to the old thread
23:09:11 LINKMrBeigehttp://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf10/LogoContest
23:09:14 Topic: PResentation
23:09:52 INFOMrBeigesvn co svn://svn.debian.org/debconf-data/
23:10:09 INFOMrBeigesvn co svn+ssh://svn.debian.org/svn/debconf-data/ (with alioth login, ping us to get you added)
23:10:56 INFOHydroxidesvn co svn://svn.debconf.org/debconf-data/dc10/
23:11:24 INFOHydroxidecurrent draft at http://rogue.kaplowitz.org/~jimmy/dc10pres.pdf
23:11:43 INFOHydroxideClint needs debconf-data svn access
23:12:18 Topic: stuff to add / avoid in the presentation
23:13:39 INFOHydroxidegoal of the dc10 presentation at dc9: convince people that dc10 will be awesome and that they should come
23:13:55 INFOHydroxidebe positive, don't scare people away
23:14:00 INFOClintnyc has great tourist value
23:14:16 INFOMrBeigemorningside heights is not a megacity, it's a nice neighberhood
23:14:34 INFOHydroxidespanish widely spoken in the area
23:14:43 INFOMrBeigemaybe some information on airfares ?
23:14:45 INFOHydroxidenear central park
23:14:51 INFOHydroxideand near riverside park
23:15:18 INFOMrBeigecolumbia has a lot of tech resources, won't be hard to integrate with it
23:16:01 INFOHydroxidebe brief and give one or two sample airfares - don't make it a full slide
23:16:46 INFOClint24-hour transportation runs all over the city
23:17:00 INFOMrBeigeno cars needed anywhere
23:17:07 INFOHydroxidetouch on handicapped accessibility, but leave most details for the website
23:18:34 INFOMrBeigelook at bid documents and see what the huge advantages for nyc were there, include them
23:19:32 LINKHydroxidehttp://www.iloveny.com/
23:19:43 LINKHydroxidehttp://nycgo.com/
23:19:43 INFOMrBeigeother nearby cities in the US
23:20:11 INFOClintor other attractive areas for tourism
23:20:33 INFOHydroxidewe don't want to spend too much of the presentation on tourism (cf. "Don't have too much fun!")
23:21:31 INFOHydroxidereword "don't have too much fun" and a few other bits to be positive not negative
23:22:03 INFOMrBeigeemphasize *greatly* that NYC is incredibly multicultural and not at all like much of the rest of the US
23:22:17 INFOHydroxidevisa and border issues are already in the presentation structure - details will be provided by Frank
23:23:39 INFOHydroxidemention taxi and limo stuff along with other transportation options
23:24:11 INFOHydroxideand helicopter (yes, it's available)
23:24:33 INFOHydroxidedefinitely talk about the food!
23:25:06 INFOHydroxideday-trip things should be mentioned
23:25:34 INFOHydroxidetourist daytrip options, naturalistic/explorational daytrip options, lesser-known urban bits daytrip options...
23:25:40 INFObguptaFor transport mention yellow cabs, limo, and shuttle buses
23:26:36 INFOHydroxidephotos of columbia
23:26:41 INFOHydroxidea map or two
23:27:17 INFObguptabrief info on nightlife
23:27:18 INFOHydroxidebriefly mention NYC's nightlife
23:27:42 INFOMrBeige< Clint> MrBeige: and like how there's something identifiable as a campus, unlike nyu
23:28:46 INFObguptaMake sure the columbia map is color if available
23:29:28 Topic: dividing up the presentation work
23:30:22 INFOHydroxidemention NYC weather in comparison to dc9 :)
23:31:27 LINKMrBeigehttp://rkd.zgib.net/meetbot/debconf-nyc/2009/debconf-nyc.2009-06-30-23.00.html
23:32:32 ACTIONMrBeigeMrBeige takes the venue parts
23:32:49 ACTIONMrBeigeand MrBeige also takes morningside heights related sections (hopefully with some help)
23:33:20 ACTIONHydroxidebgupta does the "yay NYC is great" parts
23:33:33 ACTIONjvasilejvasile will help with Morningside Heights, though it's been a few years since he lived there
23:34:42 ACTIONHydroxideJimmy will remind Frank about the visa/border stuff in the context of the presentation
23:35:18 ACTIONHydroxideJimmy will deal with the local team bit and the NYC transportation bit
23:35:26 ACTIONHydroxideincluding airport
23:37:55 INFOMrBeigeif anyone doesn't know latex or latex-beamer, they can just throw data into the file and someone else will tex-ify or beamer-ify
23:38:21 Topic: website
23:40:23 ACTIONMrBeigeHydroxide requests alioth login for jvasile
23:40:36 INFOHydroxidealioth logins are self-creatable
23:40:55 ACTIONMrBeigeHydroxide requests jvasile added to -data repo
23:41:22 INFOHydroxiderequests to be added to -data repo are initiated by the person who wants the access, and then Hydroxide prods the -data admins
23:42:57 INFOHydroxideClint may help - can't say for sure yet
23:43:07 INFOHydroxideClint will probably do at least some website help
23:43:24 LINKHydroxidehttp://debconf10.debconf.org/
23:44:03 Topic: web redesign
23:44:51 INFOHydroxidebgupta will help with website content too
23:46:47 ACTIONHydroxidebgupta will find someone who might want to help with website visual redesign and will have them email debconf10-localteam@lists.debconf.org
23:46:56 Topic: goals for DebCamp9
23:49:02 INFOHydroxidedc10 site redesign doesn't have to happen before dc9, though it can if things magically work out that way
23:51:02 INFOHydroxidegoals for debcamp9: sponsor pack + loose ends
23:51:26 Topic: Anyone else need debconf-data SVN write access?
23:51:48 INFOHydroxideif you want access later, contact Jimmy (Hydroxide)
23:52:01 Topic: When to let the US press start writing about DC10
23:52:22 INFOHydroxidebgupta already found an eweek.com reporter who wants to write about the first US debconf
23:52:42 INFOHydroxideso far we're waiting on that until after dc9 occurs and/or the dc10 dates are set. should we change this?
23:53:44 INFObguptaeweek reporter has also offered to help us get more press contacts.
23:54:15 INFOHydroxidefuture meeting agenda topic, probably good to resolve before press coverage: determine what OpenDay for DC10 is like
23:56:42 Topic: brief mention: visa meeting with Frank
23:57:22 INFOHydroxidewe couldn't have Frank here to discuss visa/border issues as originally planned, due to Frank's travel schedule
23:57:33 INFOHydroxidewe will have that meeting when he is back, plus do status updates on stuff we talked about today
23:57:45 Topic: Next meeting
23:59:33 AGREEDHydroxidedoodle poll for week of 12th-18th
23:59:40 Topic: Any other business
00:06:39 ACTIONMrBeigeeveryone probs MrBeige to do DC10 work, not DC9 work
Meeting ended at 00:07:40 UTC. (full logs)

Action Items
  1. MrBeige takes the venue parts
  2. and MrBeige also takes morningside heights related sections (hopefully with some help)
  3. bgupta does the "yay NYC is great" parts
  4. jvasile will help with Morningside Heights, though it's been a few years since he lived there
  5. Jimmy will remind Frank about the visa/border stuff in the context of the presentation
  6. Jimmy will deal with the local team bit and the NYC transportation bit
  7. including airport
  8. Hydroxide requests alioth login for jvasile
  9. Hydroxide requests jvasile added to -data repo
  10. bgupta will find someone who might want to help with website visual redesign and will have them email debconf10-localteam@lists.debconf.org
  11. everyone probs MrBeige to do DC10 work, not DC9 work

Action Items, by person
  1. bgupta
    1. bgupta does the "yay NYC is great" parts
    2. bgupta will find someone who might want to help with website visual redesign and will have them email debconf10-localteam@lists.debconf.org
  2. Hydroxide
    1. Hydroxide requests alioth login for jvasile
    2. Hydroxide requests jvasile added to -data repo
  3. jvasile
    1. jvasile will help with Morningside Heights, though it's been a few years since he lived there
    2. Hydroxide requests alioth login for jvasile
    3. Hydroxide requests jvasile added to -data repo
  4. MrBeige
    1. MrBeige takes the venue parts
    2. and MrBeige also takes morningside heights related sections (hopefully with some help)
    3. everyone probs MrBeige to do DC10 work, not DC9 work
    1. Jimmy will remind Frank about the visa/border stuff in the context of the presentation
    2. Jimmy will deal with the local team bit and the NYC transportation bit
    3. including airport

People Present (lines said):
  1. Hydroxide (209)
  2. MrBeige (99)
  3. bgupta (42)
  4. Clint (35)
  5. moray (30)
  6. jvasile (9)
  7. schultmc (5)
  8. tonyb486 (1)

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