18:14:44 <elbrus> #startmeeting MiniDebConfHamburg 2025 18:14:44 <MeetBot> Meeting started Mon Mar 10 18:14:44 2025 UTC. The chair is elbrus. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:14:44 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 18:15:00 <elbrus> topics for the agenda are: rolecall, budget, dpl approval, announcement & cfp & wafer, sponsors, video, tshirts, daytrip, accom, registrations, next meeting, AOB 18:15:10 <elbrus> at least, they were previous time 18:15:16 <werdahias> sgtm 18:15:33 <elbrus> #topic roll call 18:15:40 <elbrus> say hi ;) 18:15:42 <werdahias> hi 18:15:52 <urbec> :) 18:15:54 <dorle> hi :) 18:16:50 <elbrus> MichaelBanck[mds]: you're joining? 18:17:58 <elbrus> #topic budget / dpl approval 18:18:10 <MichaelBanck[mds]> hi 18:18:18 <elbrus> the budget has been approved :) 18:18:29 <werdahias> nice 18:18:32 <elbrus> https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/de/2025/MiniDebConfHamburg/Budget 18:18:37 <MichaelBanck[mds]> (sorry I am at a local meetup) 18:19:12 <elbrus> #topic cfp 18:19:35 <elbrus> werdahias: I didn't check yet, but did you get any response? 18:20:18 <werdahias> for what ? 18:21:08 <elbrus> wasn't the cfp sent out yet? or did I only see the draft? 18:21:45 <werdahias> elbrus: sent to dda and d-eu 18:22:06 <elbrus> [13:09:11] <werdahias> h01ger: sent 18:22:07 <werdahias> haven't checked the wafer yet tbh 18:22:28 <elbrus> wafer doesn't have any talks yet 18:23:27 <elbrus> ok, I guess we're just waiting then 18:23:42 <werdahias> yeah, just checked 18:23:44 <elbrus> but no reply from sponsors 18:23:48 <elbrus> ? 18:23:56 <werdahias> no, unfortunately not 18:24:00 <elbrus> #topic sponsors 18:24:59 <elbrus> MichaelBanck[mds], I assume you intend to approach potential sposors? 18:25:08 <elbrus> or just hope they reply to the cfp? 18:27:57 <elbrus> anybody else has anything to say on the topic? 18:29:08 <elbrus> I'm not sure if the next topics have anything at this moment, so let's put them up at once 18:29:23 <elbrus> #topic video, tshirts, daytrip, accom 18:29:44 <elbrus> is there anyhing to share since last time? 18:30:07 <dorle> nope 18:30:38 <urbec> how many % is accomodation at? 18:30:49 <urbec> about 18:31:13 <dorle> let me check my notes 18:31:21 <elbrus> 24/34 18:31:29 <elbrus> or something like that 18:31:46 <dorle> 6 people confirmed, 17 unconfirmed 18:32:09 <dorle> good estimated elbrus :) 18:32:14 <elbrus> :) 18:33:44 <elbrus> I guess that covered the topic registration too... 18:34:07 <elbrus> I guess we're done quick today than 18:34:13 <elbrus> #topic AOB 18:36:49 <elbrus> werdahias: I just checked the dda archive; I fail to spot the mail 18:36:52 <elbrus> https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2025/03/threads.html 18:37:33 <urbec> ah, doesnt dda need a DD sigbature? 18:37:40 <werdahias> I did sign it 18:37:46 <elbrus> https://lists.debian.org/debian-events-eu/2025/03/msg00000.html has it 18:37:49 <azeem> I think the problem was cross-posting 18:38:10 <azeem> we can send a reminder in a week or two, then separate 18:38:30 <werdahias> do I need to sent it only to dda and then CC the other ML ? 18:38:32 <urbec> ah indeed 18:38:57 <elbrus> I wouldn't wait so long 18:39:09 <elbrus> in a week or two is only days before the deadline 18:39:18 <werdahias> I can resend it now 18:39:20 <azeem> which deadline? 18:39:27 <werdahias> Cfp 18:39:28 <elbrus> cfp and sponsors 18:39:31 <azeem> aye 18:39:38 <azeem> then yeah, probably best to resend 18:40:14 <werdahias> so only To: dda and CC: d-eu and dc-hamburg ? 18:40:21 <azeem> https://hamburg2025.mini.debconf.org/contribute/cfp/ looks empty 18:40:41 <azeem> werdahias: I'd only send it to d-d-a now, cause the others got it already 18:40:46 <werdahias> ack 18:41:30 <azeem> so, about sponsors, I think we need to clarify the levels first 18:41:40 <azeem> currently it says nothing about what each level does 18:41:40 <elbrus> azeem: I had this earlier: MichaelBanck[mds], I assume you intend to approach potential sposors? 18:42:29 <azeem> yes, I do 18:42:35 <azeem> high time 18:42:52 <werdahias> mail sent to dda 18:43:13 <elbrus> thanks 18:43:15 <azeem> but I feel blocked about the levels, I propose to copy over https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/de/2023/DebianReunionHamburg#Sponsors but adapted to the three-tier system 18:43:43 <azeem> I currently wouldn't know what the difference between basic and extended is 18:44:33 <elbrus> we can drop one level if it makes more sense for you 18:46:04 <azeem> let me think about it - maybe having a 5k partner makes sense, but it looks a bit overblown to me 18:47:02 <elbrus> great 18:47:31 <elbrus> #action: azeem to reflect on sponsor levels 18:47:59 <elbrus> I think that concludes the meeting except for 18:48:03 <elbrus> #topic next meeting 18:48:19 <elbrus> in one or two weeks from now? 18:48:23 <elbrus> same time? 18:48:35 <werdahias> sane time wfm 18:48:49 <werdahias> same time, even 18:49:03 <dorle> works both for me 18:49:47 <elbrus> then lets do in one week, and keep it short if there's nothing to update 18:50:00 <werdahias> sgtm 18:50:07 <azeem> :+1: 18:50:17 <elbrus> #agreed next meeting in one week, same time 18:50:42 <elbrus> #endmeeting