18:02:52 <flexlibris> #startmeeting
18:02:52 <MeetBot> Meeting started Wed Aug  9 18:02:52 2017 UTC.  The chair is flexlibris. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
18:02:52 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
18:03:29 <flexlibris> Here is the agenda I've got:
18:03:30 <flexlibris> 1. Status updates
18:03:31 <flexlibris> 2. Support wiki and sprint
18:03:31 <flexlibris> 3. FOSS/Tor onboarding document
18:03:57 <ChillyPhoul> Sounds good :)
18:04:14 <flexlibris> anyone want to start with a status update?
18:04:35 <ChillyPhoul> I can go
18:04:43 <flexlibris> go ahead
18:07:13 <ChillyPhoul> Last week I participated in a podcast that should be up this weekend. We published the support portal blog post, and Alison / I have been watching the comments on this. I've also been monitoring the comments on the Tor Browser blog posts as previously discussed. I've also been working on fixing some issues with RT (Like its CSRF warning going off when it shouldnt), and answering user questions
18:07:19 <ChillyPhoul> there. Today I will be publishing the monthly Transifex report (sorry for being a bit behind on that), and everything with GSoC is going well.
18:07:55 <ChillyPhoul> Oh, I'm also writing BSD instructions for relaying for the support portal, as I dont think we have good BSD instructions anywhere currently.
18:09:01 <Samdney> do you know if this podcast will be available somewhere?
18:09:20 <ChillyPhoul> Yeah, they will be announcing it over the weekend and then I think @torproject will be promoting it.
18:09:32 <Samdney> coooool :D
18:09:41 <flexlibris> thanks for getting on the BSD instructions. super important.
18:09:53 <Samdney> also, coooool :D
18:10:39 <arma2> chillyphoul: be sure to check out the recent post by the bsdtor folks on obfsproxy + bsd
18:11:13 <ChillyPhoul> arma2: Yup! I've also sent ln5 a copy of what I have so far, to see if he thinks im missing anything.
18:11:13 <flexlibris> any other questions or comments for ChillyPhoul?
18:11:23 <Samdney> what is the feedback for the support portal until now? (*I should read the blog post* :)
18:11:44 <flexlibris> send feedback to me and ChillyPhoul
18:11:49 <flexlibris> the wiki is read-only
18:11:53 <ChillyPhoul> There hasnt been a lot via the blog so far.
18:12:01 <flexlibris> oh sorry I misunderstood the question
18:12:25 <ChillyPhoul> There is also a non-RO version of the wiki, as a use rwanted a way to contribute without posting on the blog.
18:12:37 <ChillyPhoul> https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/org/teams/CommunityTeam/Support_discuss
18:12:50 <ChillyPhoul> Have received 2 edits there, just seeing them now.
18:13:08 <flexlibris> oh I didn't even know this existed!
18:13:38 <ChillyPhoul> It didnt until someone on the blog asked for a different way to contribute :P arma2 thought it would be better than giving people an email address.
18:13:43 <ChillyPhoul> I think its a good solution
18:13:47 <flexlibris> it is
18:13:54 <Samdney> +1
18:14:40 <flexlibris> who wants to go next with a status update?
18:15:04 <Samdney> I don't have anything. :/
18:15:16 <sukhe> I can go next :)
18:15:23 <sukhe> (hi everyone btw)
18:15:27 <ChillyPhoul> hi sukhe !
18:15:34 <Samdney> hi
18:15:34 <flexlibris> hi sukhe, go ahead
18:16:04 <sukhe> yesterday I gave a talk at GTALUG (Greater Toronto Area Linux User Group). small but great audience. had a good discussion about the project and the applications in general
18:16:40 * kat5 waves east at sukhe
18:16:44 <sukhe> I gave a small demo of tor browser, torsocks and stem
18:17:44 <sukhe> today's talk is at DEFCON416, a local hacker meetup. I will be giving the same talk. slides should be up after the talk. (in future, I realize I should do this before the talk, but oh well)
18:17:50 <sukhe> kat5: :)
18:19:09 <flexlibris> sukhe: it's hard to get slides up before the talk! most people don't even get them up after the talk
18:19:16 <ChillyPhoul> ^
18:19:28 <arma2> (but you're still right, you 'should' :)
18:19:59 <sukhe> there are talks about outreach in India as well with SFLC(.in) but more on that later as that discussion progressesd
18:20:25 <sukhe> *progresses
18:20:35 <sukhe> that's all from my side
18:21:04 <sukhe> and yeah, the reason I want to put up the slides is to get feedback. so when I do it this time, please send your feedback so that I can fix it before the next talk :)
18:21:15 <flexlibris> sure I'll definitely give feedback
18:21:21 <Samdney> will do :)
18:21:24 <sukhe> on this note, I was thinking maybe at the next dev meeting we should try to standardize some of the training process
18:21:44 <sukhe> like the people at SLFC were asking what all tools would we be discussing at the meeting other than Tor Browser
18:22:05 <sukhe> and while I did mention Tails and signal for example, I think it would help to have a common set of tools or resources
18:22:15 <flexlibris> sukhe: this would be a great topic to cover. standardizing has been hard, in my experience, given the different needs of different audiences.
18:22:33 <flexlibris> however, I think we could make modular slides that could be put together in different ways to meet those varying needs
18:22:47 <Samdney> nice idea
18:22:49 <sukhe> flexlibris: yup, definitely. but I was hoping we could discuss for example what tools are included in the training
18:22:59 <flexlibris> sure
18:23:17 <flexlibris> let me find the agenda planning part of the meeting wiki...
18:23:36 <ChillyPhoul> https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/org/meetings/2017Montreal/AgendaIdeas
18:23:49 <flexlibris> thanks ChillyPhoul
18:24:02 <flexlibris> sukhe: you should add this idea there. it doesn't need to be well developed.
18:24:09 <sukhe> I will add, thanks
18:24:20 <sukhe> (that's all from me)
18:24:24 <kat5> I can give my very brief update next.
18:24:34 <flexlibris> go ahead kat5
18:24:55 <kat5> I continue to manage the t-shirt requests.
18:25:54 <kat5> An interesting thing that I wanted to mention is that people are now saying "I saw about the t-shirts on twitter". Happy people post nice photos of the shirts and stickers, so there's been a kind of organic publicity thing going on.
18:26:06 <flexlibris> I've seen that!
18:26:13 <kat5> So that's cool.
18:26:18 <kat5> That's all from me.
18:26:28 <flexlibris> kat5: it may be brief but it's so important and necessary!
18:26:30 <ChillyPhoul> kat5: Thats so awesome. have been enjoying those posts :)
18:26:41 <kat5> (Also, I think t0mmy is retweeting them more regularly.)
18:26:50 <Samdney> btw, somebody was asking what kind of sticker he get for a donation of X $
18:27:01 <Samdney> do we have any information like that somewhere?
18:27:12 <arma2> i assume it looks like the picture on the donation page
18:27:23 <arma2> but i wonder if a close-up page would be helpful, yes
18:28:57 <arma2> ( https://donate.torproject.org/images/Stickerpack-1.png )
18:29:09 <arma2> i guess that's pretty close-up, if it's also accurate
18:29:25 <ChillyPhoul> seems to match what im seeing in the images people post
18:30:52 <flexlibris> anything else for kat5?
18:30:58 <kat5> Nope.
18:31:22 <gamambel> hi everyone
18:31:22 <flexlibris> okay, anyone else besides me with a status update?
18:31:29 <gamambel> i can do a quick one
18:31:36 <flexlibris> gamambel: hey!
18:31:37 <gamambel> i've not been around lately but tor stuff is still happening on my end :)
18:31:37 <flexlibris> go ahead
18:31:42 <flexlibris> glad to hear it
18:31:44 <gamambel> zwiebelfreunde, one of the german torservers partners, is RIPE LIR now ,which means it can get IP addresses to distribute to other operators
18:31:55 <ChillyPhoul> oooo, excellent
18:31:57 <gamambel> there was a thread where i asked for interest, and there is some
18:32:15 <arma2> do you have portable /24's?
18:32:15 <gamambel> i've been on german "tabloid TV" yesterday and the day before
18:32:18 <gamambel> but it went reasonably well
18:32:25 <flexlibris> tabloid!!!!!!!!!
18:32:27 <arma2> there were once some universities who would run fast exits if only they didn't have to use their own address space
18:32:35 <gamambel> arma2: yeah, every LIR can get one and only one /22, which can be separated into /24 and distributed to "end users"
18:32:54 <arma2> that's, what, 4? 8?
18:33:30 <gamambel> a /24 is 256, a /22 is 1024
18:33:51 <gamambel> so, four
18:34:01 <gamambel> we can use this at four different locations
18:34:09 <gamambel> we have one location where we have a sponsored 2*10 gbit/s line
18:34:25 <gamambel> i don't have good contenders for the other three yet but that is hard to beat
18:34:38 <arma2> it is.
18:34:50 <gamambel> i plan to make a bit more noise around it and i hope to find at least three other 'stable' operators with something around 1 gbit/s each
18:34:55 <gamambel> (these can be used worldwide)
18:35:12 <arma2> sounds like a couple of high profile tweets could draw attention
18:35:21 <arma2> i'll mention it to people at foci and usenix sec next week too
18:35:25 <gamambel> flexlibris: yeah, yesterday and the day before the "tabloid magazine" Taff on Pro7 had a two-part short intro into the "darknet"
18:35:38 <ChillyPhoul> I'll mention it to some people as well.
18:35:44 <gamambel> and two weeks ago or so there was a longer documentation, i think 45 minutes, at a more serious ZDFinfo which nobody watches
18:36:09 <gamambel> this was the first time i got powdered ;)
18:36:11 <Samdney> I watched it :)
18:36:22 <flexlibris> gamambel: !
18:36:25 <flexlibris> I want to watch this
18:36:29 <arma2> speaking of researchers and relays, i put up three of the six tor research safety board cases we've handled
18:36:30 <arma2> https://research.torproject.org/safetyboard.html#examples
18:36:36 <ChillyPhoul> Is powdered some kinda code, or do you mean like... makeup?
18:36:46 <arma2> two of these safety board cases involve people running what could look like a sybil attack
18:36:49 <gamambel> tomorrow, i am interviewed by "minimal", a student researcher
18:37:09 <gamambel> i should have forwarded his inquiry to a broader audience
18:37:24 <gamambel> basically, i am handling one of these types of things every week still, even though i became a bit more quiet on the tor channels
18:37:39 <arma2> might be smart to coordinate with comms@
18:37:43 <flexlibris> gamambel: I have been communicating with minimal too and will do an interview with him next week. He's been reaching out to people one by one at Tor as far as I know.
18:37:50 <arma2> (that's a list that goes to steph, tommy, isa, alison, shari, and maybe a few more)
18:38:13 <gamambel> hm i think that's it for now from me
18:38:24 <gamambel> looking forward to seeing all of you in montreal
18:38:28 <gamambel> if i can find my passport
18:38:30 <ChillyPhoul> +1 likewise!
18:38:37 <flexlibris> gamambel: great to hear from you
18:38:39 <ChillyPhoul> (minus passport, hope you find that)
18:38:41 <gamambel> i wanted to sign up for the visa but i can't find my damn passport
18:38:55 <flexlibris> I hope you find it too
18:38:59 <gamambel> (i do have a flight and hotel though so what can go wrong)
18:39:35 <flexlibris> anything else for gamambel?
18:40:05 <gamambel> oh
18:40:07 <gamambel> i have one more thing
18:40:12 <flexlibris> sure
18:40:15 <gamambel> we have 10k new stickers here, in augsburg and berlin
18:40:24 <flexlibris> what kinda new stickers
18:40:29 <gamambel> so if there's location in europe that need larger amounts of tor stickers it might make sense to have me ship them
18:40:34 <gamambel> new as in "reprinted"
18:40:38 <gamambel> the standard size tor stickers
18:40:41 <flexlibris> oh I see
18:40:50 <gamambel> oh and we're still getting donations for tor to our german bank account
18:40:51 <flexlibris> good to know
18:40:55 <gamambel> and i send out sticker packs and "thank you" cards
18:41:20 <gamambel> most of the money we held for tor was sucessfully spent by shari on the travel reimbursements for the last dev meeting
18:41:46 <gamambel> but there's always a bit of money coming in so for expenses in euro especially it might make sense to use our money
18:42:08 <gamambel> ok that's it :) thanks
18:42:43 <flexlibris> thanks gamambel
18:43:01 <flexlibris> okay I will include the other agenda items in my status update since they are related to things I've been doing
18:43:11 <arma2> i hope either gamambel or jon or both will bring a whole box of stickers to montreal
18:43:27 <flexlibris> I'm sure that Jon will but a box from each would be great
18:43:41 <ChillyPhoul> I can also bring a stack or two. Jon sent me far too many last I asked. :P
18:43:58 <gamambel> i won't have much space/weight to carry because i am bringing a large-heavy present for nick
18:44:06 <arma2> the frenzy after my defcon talk resulted in like 400 business cards disappearing in 60 seconds
18:44:15 <arma2> and i had far fewer stickers than that :/
18:44:15 <ChillyPhoul> arma2: wow.
18:44:20 <gamambel> but i'll squeeze in what i can
18:45:03 <flexlibris> I'll mention it to Jon
18:45:16 <flexlibris> okay so I've been doing some Tor Meeting planning with the other Vegas Leads
18:45:33 <flexlibris> the invites are all out, and the next step is getting scheduling feedback
18:45:44 <flexlibris> more info on that will be out soon
18:46:04 <flexlibris> as ChillyPhoul mentioned, we've got the support wiki up and I wrote a blog post announcing it and soliciting more feedback
18:46:15 <flexlibris> https://blog.torproject.org/blog/get-immediate-help-our-new-support-wiki <- post is here
18:46:39 <flexlibris> we will do a sprint on Friday the 11th to get more questions and answers up on there
18:46:48 <flexlibris> if you want to participate in the sprint let me know!
18:46:54 <Samdney> o/
18:46:57 <ChillyPhoul> (ill be there)
18:47:49 <flexlibris> I'm writing the July community team report today so if you have anything to add to that that wasn't in the meeting minutes last month, or wasn't something we worked on together, please ping me
18:48:34 <flexlibris> this month I've worked on some grants with the comms team, some by myself. waiting to hear on some for LFP, including one for redoing my website. woo!
18:49:11 <Samdney> awh, I like it ;)
18:49:26 <flexlibris> me and the comms team started organizing the speakers bureau, which is a group of people who want to be (or are currently) Tor speakers
18:49:45 <flexlibris> now that we've gathered that group together, the next step is some public speaking training
18:50:16 <flexlibris> I did some outreach this past couple of weeks to US archivists in Portland, Oregon, and at a really cooler hackerspace in Philly called Hive76
18:50:38 <flexlibris> if you go to Philly I highly recommend visiting it. it's in an old public school that was converted into artist/hacker/musician spaces.
18:51:04 <ChillyPhoul> Cool!
18:51:09 <flexlibris> lastly I did some work on the draft code of conduct, and today I will pick up work on the contributor guidelines since that has stalled
18:51:19 <flexlibris> oh wait that's not all...
18:51:39 <flexlibris> the real last thing is that I onboarded Steph about Tor/FOSS history, community, and cultural norms
18:52:12 <flexlibris> I wrote up a little document about this and I'd like to include it in the onboarding docs, but it needs work! so if anyone wants to help before I make it public that would be cool
18:52:32 <Samdney> can I have a look?
18:52:34 <flexlibris> it's basically a short timeline, major events/people/conferences, terms to know, that kind of thing
18:52:43 <flexlibris> sure Samdney I'll send it to you
18:52:50 <Samdney> thanks :D
18:52:52 <kat5> Me too, please.
18:52:56 <arma2> neat
18:52:57 <ChillyPhoul> Likewise, I don't think I ended up getting a copy :)
18:53:11 <catalyst> flexlibris: i'd like to look at it too
18:53:15 <flexlibris> I'll send it to the community team list
18:53:30 <flexlibris> catalyst: are you on that list or should I cc you?
18:53:36 <catalyst> i think i'm on the list
18:53:46 <flexlibris> great
18:53:48 <flexlibris> that's it for me
18:54:14 <arma2> looks like it's an open list
18:54:15 <arma2> https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-community-team/
18:55:12 <flexlibris> it sure is, I just don't want to force anyone onto a new mailing list :)
18:55:26 <flexlibris> anything else from anyone?
18:55:37 <flexlibris> just to reiterate -- please send me your stuff for the July report, today preferably!
18:56:44 <flexlibris> anything else....going once....
18:57:15 <flexlibris> okay I'm calling it
18:57:17 <flexlibris> #endmeeting