15:59:01 #startmeeting network-health 10/23/2023 15:59:01 Meeting started Mon Oct 23 15:59:01 2023 UTC. The chair is GeKo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:59:01 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 15:59:04 o/ 15:59:05 hello! 15:59:06 \o 15:59:20 let's see what our pad looks like: https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-nethealthteam-2023-keep 15:59:40 please add your items in case you have not done so yet 15:59:56 o/ 16:00:19 * juga doing so 16:00:42 hiro: welcome back 16:00:56 i hope you had some time off your computer and could relax :) 16:01:08 +1 :) 16:02:03 thank you 16:03:05 hiro: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/network-health/metrics/descriptorParser/-/issues/52#note_2953681 seems to be a thing juga could need some feedback for 16:03:42 otherwise there is only my afk part marked as bold; we can take that one to the end of this meeting 16:04:46 yup, we can talk about it later too, hiro 16:05:03 I think there have been some issues with the parser 16:05:05 oh,ic, hiro just replied there 16:05:10 ic 16:05:24 which i hope to fix with the upcoming MR https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/network-health/metrics/descriptorParser/-/issues/53 16:05:35 awesome 16:06:10 so, we could use #52 as a good test case for whether the proposed patch for #53 is actually enough, i guess? 16:06:30 possibly 16:06:54 the issue is that the parser takes days to complete because I was using the same logic from onionoo to update the family and declared family fields... 16:07:04 or maybe it's something else. okay, sounds promising either way, though 16:07:09 yeah 16:07:12 which was go through all the statuses, but this was making the service too slow 16:07:55 hello metrics people, i have on my todo list to make a ticket for us to rederive / rediscover how to compute what fraction of tor traffic is onion service traffic. it came up while talking to a researcher about a new paper last week, and it will come up again in the future. i will file this ticket, soon i hope, as the next step. 16:08:16 good! 16:08:26 yeah it would be really nice to fix that too 16:08:48 hiro: nothing on my part other than those fields that I was talking about previously, I can take care of integrating it in the open ticket 16:08:53 especially as i overheard al telling somebody "1%" in the same conversation as i said "3%" and i think the number might actually be "5%" this year :) 16:09:17 sure matt that's on my list for the first half of this week 16:09:26 thanks!! 16:09:40 hiro: thanks! 16:10:02 what are a couple of % among friends anyways ;) 16:10:27 but, yeah, sounds like a good idea 16:10:29 geko: that was my reasoning too! but the comms team was not satisfied with it 16:10:36 heh 16:11:24 hiro: we have some pretty deadline things for this week you might want to focus on first 16:11:27 or help with 16:11:36 *pretty important 16:11:45 sponsor112? we have also issues on meronense again xD 16:12:01 nothing pretty about those deadadlines 16:12:36 *deadlines 16:12:52 hiro: so for s112 we need the number of tagged relays so far 16:13:08 which is did not get extracted from the db due to permission issues 16:13:25 ah ok I can do that 16:13:35 and the info is not on the website available yet 16:13:37 thanks 16:13:50 it would be nice to fix my permission issues, too 16:14:03 i can ping you later for that to get sorted out 16:14:21 I think if you log in on the machine as parser you should be able to do it 16:14:32 yeah, no dice, though 16:14:37 i did that :) 16:14:44 weird that's what I do 16:14:55 o_O 16:15:50 okay, the other deadline one is we need to assemble again data for s61 indicators 16:15:55 for q3 16:16:04 i am not sure what you did in the past for that 16:16:23 but whatever it was (i think some onionperf related stuff?) we need to do it again :( 16:16:44 it should be the last time we need to do that, though 16:16:48 with one exception 16:17:00 uhm 16:17:05 ok that sounds good 16:17:13 we need to fix https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/network-health/metrics/onionperf/-/issues/40057 and then report data for that in q4 16:17:14 except that we have rotated all the onionperf clients 16:17:28 well, just use any data we have for q3 16:17:45 there should be sufficient available 16:17:46 ok we might have partials for the tor version 6 series 16:17:49 yeah 16:17:54 sufficient yeah 16:18:04 and should we include conflux results too? 16:18:22 i guess it depends on the indicator 16:18:37 might be smart to ask mikeperry for that as well 16:18:52 as i have not been following that part of s61 closely 16:19:30 yeah, and then there is https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/network-health/metrics/website/-/issues/40103 for getting ggus unblocked 16:19:45 which is weird as it's only failing intermittently for months now 16:19:59 and only at the per-country views 16:20:15 while we do have continuous data for the "all" case 16:20:25 (modulo the gaps we know about) 16:20:30 yeah 16:20:54 I have that on the list... there is nothing in the logs unfortunately 16:21:04 yeah, i saw that 16:21:06 I might try to add some indexes to our db 16:21:15 maybe that would help speeding things up 16:21:18 and now i am not sure how to debug this further 16:21:21 :( 16:21:37 but the data is not lost, is it? 16:21:40 I'll ask anarcat for some help to see if it is the prcess being killed by the kernel again 16:21:52 thanks 16:22:05 well I hope we might be able to recover some 16:22:40 okay. we'll see. so, that's all of the pressing things i have for you... welcome back ;) 16:24:33 alright. do we have anything else we need to chat about today? 16:24:40 * juga is good 16:24:55 * Matt is good 16:25:08 * hiro is groot 16:25:26 great. so, next monday (in fact the whole week) i'll be afk 16:25:33 what do we wanna do with this sync? 16:25:40 should someone else run it? 16:25:46 should we skip it for that wek? 16:25:49 *week 16:25:59 hmm 16:26:34 i can volunteer to run it, though we can also live without it, i guess ;) 16:26:35 i am fine either way :) 16:26:56 me too 16:27:05 I mean fine if we do it or if we skip 16:27:14 okay 16:27:24 juga: okay, then just run with it next week? 16:27:32 GeKo: ok 16:27:32 We could keep it and move fast if there’s no update 16:27:38 yup 16:27:40 ggus: you around and have anything to sync about? 16:27:42 +1 16:28:40 does not seem to be the case 16:28:47 thanks everyone then 16:28:51 and have a nice week 16:28:52 GeKo: ggus: hiro: at some point we need to meet to discuss https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/network-health/metrics/website/-/issues/40103 16:28:52 o/ 16:28:59 but it could be next meeting 16:29:10 Thanks! Ciao o/ 16:29:13 gaba: we already did? 16:29:41 see above and on the ticket 16:29:42 GeKo: can you update the ticket with any follow up? 16:30:00 mmm, it is a memory issue? 16:30:10 likely, we don't know yet 16:30:17 anyway, i will comment on the ticket 16:30:25 apart from that i still don't know what ggus actually needs 16:30:42 i flagged that on the ticket a couple of days ago 16:30:52 still waiting on input here 16:30:56 if data is needed it could be easier for me to compute it separately by creating the graphs offline 16:31:05 yeah 16:31:20 andway, let's finally close this meeting... 16:31:24 #endmeeting