16:59:09 <micah> #startmeeting Network team meeting, 1, August 2022
16:59:09 <MeetBot> Meeting started Mon Aug  1 16:59:09 2022 UTC.  The chair is micah. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
16:59:09 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
16:59:24 <micah> Hello everyone! Welcome back to the network team weekly meeting. Hopefully everyone had a relaxing weekend?
17:00:25 <jnewsome> o/
17:00:33 <dgoulet> o/
17:00:34 <eta> o/
17:01:37 <micah> will give a few minutes for people to show up
17:03:34 <micah> network-team: come assemble for the weekly network team meeting!
17:04:05 <micah> As happened last week, I'm your guest facilitator while ahf is off hacking/camping/forklifting.
17:04:13 <dgoulet> lol
17:04:15 <micah> and as a reminder, the meeting pad is https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-netteam-2022.1-keep
17:04:25 <micah> Please go ahead and add anything now to the pad that you would like to cover in this meeting.
17:05:05 <micah> I realize last week was a short one, so there may not be much to update from last week
17:05:57 <micah> from last time dgoulet did a release status update - do you have anything new to add there dgoulet ?
17:06:20 <micah> i believe there was a breakout last time to go over some of the confidential issues and reviews were needed last week, did they happen?
17:06:51 <dgoulet> yeah
17:07:20 <dgoulet> we have several private ticket being resolved. Few tickets also either being tested or already merged. We still need couple of days to tune some congestion control changes
17:07:29 <dgoulet> and we'll proceed with a release accross the board for all maintained versions
17:07:31 <dgoulet> another thing
17:07:45 <dgoulet> today, 0.4.6 is EOL ... but I will include a last release before closing the books on that one
17:07:54 <dgoulet> "just in case" :P
17:07:59 <micah> does that mean if all goes well, a release will happen this week?
17:08:06 <dgoulet> correct, I hope so
17:08:10 <dgoulet> else early next week at worst
17:08:34 <dgoulet> that is about it
17:09:00 <micah> do you think there needs to be an comms about the 0.4.6 EOL?
17:09:33 <dgoulet> hmmm good question, we are usually somehow quiet about those lol.. but maybe I could poke the comms team and they can do a quick post to the world about it
17:09:42 <dgoulet> so any remaining packagers seeing that could transition
17:09:54 <dgoulet> 0.4.6 is not used a lot in the network so at least that is that
17:09:55 <nickm> arg sorry lost track of time
17:09:58 <nickm> here now
17:10:09 <dgoulet> nickm: does the above sounds legit to you?
17:10:12 <dgoulet> nickm: regarding release
17:10:24 <nickm> the plan or the prognosis? :)
17:10:37 <nickm> The plan sounds good to me.
17:10:38 <dgoulet> the 046 plan basically considering it is EOL today :)
17:10:44 <micah> dgoulet: no worries, if that isn't normal, then no need to do it. I was more thinking about the ending of the LTS
17:10:46 <dgoulet> and so I would do one last release with all the fixes
17:10:47 <nickm> Ah.  Yeah, one last release is not a problem.
17:11:16 <dgoulet> micah: the 045 end of LTS will be next year so still a bit of time ehhe
17:11:46 <micah> great. ok, so one of the elements of this meeting, seeing as its the first one of the month, is to look at Core Tor Releases and see if there is anything important coming up: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/team/-/wikis/NetworkTeam/CoreTorReleases
17:11:57 <micah> since we are on the subject of releases...
17:12:11 <ggus> https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/network-health/team/-/issues/252
17:12:25 <dgoulet> fantastic ^
17:13:09 <micah> this table looks fairly accurate
17:14:16 <micah> ggus: is someone in network-health handling that while geko is gone?
17:14:30 <micah> (dont tell me its dgoulet... ;)
17:14:52 <dgoulet> I'm covering GeKo on bad relays with Roger but not that afaik lol
17:15:04 <dgoulet> also iirc, GeKo needs to do a roundn of contacting and give the operators some time
17:15:10 <ggus> micah: no, i'm waiting geko to get back so we can start working on that ticket
17:15:26 <micah> i guess with juga out and hiro on metrics, it wont happen until he comes back
17:15:33 <ggus> yep
17:15:37 <micah> ok, great
17:15:54 <micah> First Monday meeting each month: Look at tickets/MRs with Backport label and figure out what to do and who is going to do the merging. https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/tor/-/issues?scope=all&utf8=%E2%9C%93&state=opened&label_name[]=Backport
17:16:05 <micah> this would be next on the agenda for this meeting
17:16:09 <micah> https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/tor/-/issues?scope=all&utf8=%E2%9C%93&state=opened&label_name[]=Backport
17:16:20 <micah> (not sure why zwiebelbot doesn't pick that up)
17:16:25 <dgoulet> all in my court
17:16:35 <micah> only 4, all dgoulet, excellent
17:16:38 <dgoulet> as in all under control
17:16:58 <micah> dgoulet: even https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/tor/-/issues/40396 (assigned ahf)
17:17:01 <micah> ?
17:17:25 <micah> and #40637 doesn't have an assignee, but you are collecting them all
17:17:39 <dgoulet> yeah that one is merged upstream
17:17:45 <dgoulet> and so I'll just backport it before release
17:17:46 <dgoulet> simple
17:17:59 <micah> ok, so we don't make this meeting the dgoulet meeting...
17:18:27 <micah> nickm: last week you had mentioned that we should go over the arti 1.0.0 milestone and see where we are at, with the intention of turning it on sept 1st.
17:18:43 <nickm> Yes. I think we should plan that for tomorrow or wednesda, since Diziet is out today
17:18:47 <nickm> &sp
17:19:29 <nickm> micah, eta: does that sound okay to you?
17:19:47 <micah> nickm: works for me, is that something you can coordinate to make happen?
17:20:42 <eta> nickm: Wednesday should work (although I have a bedframe getting delivered, so hope that doesn't overlap)
17:21:35 <nickm> I could do wenesday between 1400 and 1600 UTC, or after the all-hands.  Maybe let's check with Diziet tomorrow to see what works?
17:21:49 <nickm> (I can't spell days today :p )
17:22:21 <micah> ok, great.
17:22:38 <micah> we also have this agenda item that happens on the first meeting of the month:
17:22:42 <micah> Look at issues in https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/team/-/issues
17:22:56 <micah> turns out there is just one issue there!
17:23:00 <micah> so its not as hard as it sounds
17:23:45 <micah> since this is not a new issue, and it is labeled for Roadmap::Future, probably there is nothing we need to discuss here on this
17:24:19 <micah> in which case, we can move steadily on to the next agenda item, which is another 'first meeting of the month' item:
17:24:22 <micah> looking over https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/tor/-/merge_requests?scope=all&state=opened&reviewer_username=triage-bot
17:24:37 <micah> this is about going over each MR assigned with reviewer to triage-bot to see if anything shouldn't be there
17:24:55 <dgoulet> oh wow those are old
17:24:59 <micah> these are all relatively old issues yeah
17:25:55 <micah> what do folks thing we should we do with these at this moment?
17:27:00 <nickm> dunno.  I think they could wait till ahf gets back.
17:27:10 <nickm> dgoulet: do any of those look critical to revisit to you?
17:27:14 <micah> these are are 8-9 months old already, it seems like perhaps this particular process has not been invoked recently and waiting another month wont hurt
17:27:16 <dgoulet> nickm: nope
17:27:24 <micah> ok, then on we go :D
17:27:26 <dgoulet> might need the ahf to weigh in
17:27:37 <micah> we wait for the ahf to return with his sunburn
17:28:24 <micah> ok, looking at other team trackers, I dont see anything new that we need to weigh in on
17:29:01 <micah> that leaves us with any discussion items that anyone may have for this meeting
17:29:13 <micah> or announcements
17:29:27 <micah> if anyone has any, feel free to throw them out there now
17:29:31 * dgoulet is good
17:31:04 <micah> ok, last call, if nothing we can close this meeting out
17:31:32 <micah> #endmeeting