15:59:45 <donuts> #startmeeting UX Team Weekly Meeting
15:59:45 <MeetBot> Meeting started Tue Jul 12 15:59:45 2022 UTC.  The chair is donuts. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
15:59:45 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
15:59:52 <donuts> pad is here: https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-ux-team-2022-keep
15:59:59 <donuts> please feel free to add your updates while I fix it
15:59:59 <championquizzer> the ux hour perhaps! :p
16:01:08 <nah> :0
16:04:27 <donuts> okay i'm done, ya'll ready?
16:04:32 <championquizzer> yes :)
16:04:33 <nicob> all done
16:04:36 <nah> done!
16:04:39 <donuts> great
16:04:54 <donuts> nicob, feel free to go first!
16:05:32 <nicob> ok! I saw the ticket I was tagged in for the google play screenshots and just wanted to know if you had a sense of the priority/timeline around that
16:05:45 <donuts> soonβ„’
16:05:48 <nicob> hahahha
16:05:53 <donuts> I need to take the screenshots first
16:06:04 <donuts> let's say I might get around to that end of this week/beginning of next week
16:06:14 <donuts> then I'll pass the ticket over to you for some light artworking
16:06:18 <nicob> ok! sounds good lol
16:06:33 <donuts> I'm thinking a device frame, a background, and a few little bits of text here and there
16:06:52 <nicob> cool, so pretty standard
16:07:02 <donuts> yeah nothing too wild
16:07:09 <donuts> let me add this to my todo list so I don't forget
16:07:24 <nicob> πŸ‘
16:07:45 <donuts> okay done
16:08:51 <donuts> as a quick update to our discussion about the limesurvey upgrade last week, I've requested the surveys the UX team would like migrated here: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/tpa/team/-/issues/40808#note_2818993
16:09:32 <donuts> TPA have also offered to extend the life of the old instance by a few weeks to account for the ongoing surveys Nah is running to collect feedback about training sessions in east africa
16:09:51 <donuts> okay that's it from me, championquizzer: you're up next!
16:09:54 <nah> that's great, ty donuts
16:09:57 <championquizzer> ty!
16:10:00 <nah> and tpa team
16:10:20 <championquizzer> let's discuss the report for june since i published right after the team meeting last week
16:10:25 <championquizzer> https://forum.torproject.net/t/tor-project-joydeeps-monthly-status-report-for-june-2022/3863
16:11:11 <championquizzer> we got a few reports (again) of the samsung s22 specific bug
16:11:22 <championquizzer> there's also a update i posted yesterday
16:11:25 <championquizzer> https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/applications/fenix/-/issues/40216#note_2820581
16:11:26 <nah> the same one?
16:11:29 <championquizzer> yep
16:12:05 <championquizzer> this user although reported that the screen turns dark, which is a new one..so i reported to the ticket
16:12:22 <donuts> hrm
16:12:32 <donuts> maybe I talk talk to applications about looking into that one
16:12:58 <championquizzer> sounds good. please let me know and I can get in touch with the users if more info is required
16:13:05 <donuts> sure thing, will do!
16:13:40 <championquizzer> i think the other topics in the report we have been discussing in the weekly meetings, but do let me know if you'd like to discuss something
16:13:54 <donuts> oh I see richard's already tagged in the ticket
16:13:57 <donuts> and is aware
16:14:04 <championquizzer> yep :)
16:14:16 <donuts> I don't have any other questions, thanks championquizzer!
16:14:18 <donuts> how about you nah?
16:15:03 <nah> "Tor is much slower latterly than it used to be"
16:15:11 <championquizzer> also noting that this has been reported a few times now in the past few months: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/applications/tor-browser/-/issues/40536
16:15:16 <nah> that's new to me. do we have more info about it, championquizzer ?
16:15:42 <donuts> it's the ddos nah
16:15:43 <championquizzer> nah: that has to do with the network wide DDoS i believe. we have no new reports of this
16:15:56 <championquizzer> new reports = reports in july
16:16:15 <donuts> https://status.torproject.org/issues/2022-06-09-network-ddos/
16:16:27 <nah> right
16:17:26 <championquizzer> that's all from me this week :)
16:17:33 <nah> thank you, championquizzer!
16:17:41 <donuts> great, thank you championquizzer!
16:17:48 <donuts> let's talk the 11.5 release
16:18:04 <nicob> πŸ‘€
16:18:58 <donuts> last time I checked boklm is on-track to sign the release today I think(?), which means we're looking at Wednesday at the earliest for the official release
16:19:13 <championquizzer> awesome! \o/
16:19:22 <donuts> I have the biggest release post ever written ready, and will be uploading it to the blog this afternoon (but not publishing yet)
16:19:35 <nicob> woo!
16:19:37 <donuts> nicob has also prepared some awesome images for the blog and social media \o/
16:19:58 <championquizzer> oh yeah! loved the release teasers! <3
16:20:11 <nicob> <3
16:20:15 <donuts> after that, I think championquizzer and I will be back in the user support trenches for a couple of weeks
16:20:39 <donuts> there's no ESR upgrade involved in a .5 release so I'm expecting fewer bugs overall than with Tor Browser 11
16:21:03 <donuts> BUT the new connection settings screen in particular could receive a blast of feedback
16:21:36 <donuts> I fully expect we'll revise and smooth out a lot of the UX for TB 12, depending on how it's received
16:22:24 <donuts> championquizzer: I'm also going to point to your forum thread about connection assist in the blog post, to direct feedback from censored users there
16:22:44 <championquizzer> sounds good. thanks!
16:23:04 <donuts> another thing I'm anticipating is that we may need to deal with confusion about bridgemoji and QR codes
16:23:56 <donuts> I'm going to try and pre-empt complaints about android (which are totally legitimate) by including a very honest section about the state of TBA at the end of the post
16:24:14 <donuts> but we will no doubt receive some feedback there too
16:24:44 <donuts> okay, any questions?
16:24:55 <championquizzer> yeah, i do think there can be some confusion since bridgemoji generates string of emojis even for invalid bridge addresses
16:25:06 <championquizzer> (we received some feedback on the forum i guess)
16:25:59 <donuts> yep, I think we just emphasize that we're planning on continuing to improve connection settings, and that this is just V1 of the new design
16:26:08 <championquizzer> yeah
16:27:03 <donuts> if we run into TB11 levels of feedback I think it would be good to quickly sync each day in #tor-ux when I'm online (my AM, your PM)?
16:27:40 <championquizzer> sounds good! I will communicate any feedback we receive
16:27:52 <championquizzer> esp. on frontdesk, etc.
16:28:03 <donuts> awesome, thanks championquizzer!
16:28:11 <donuts> I think we're as ready as we'll ever be
16:28:46 <donuts> we've had three massive releases for Tor Browser in a row, and I'm looking forward to the next couple being more low-level and focussed on refinement
16:29:39 <donuts> just think that slightly over a year ago the Tor Launcher was still a thing, and the UI looked completely different πŸ˜‚
16:30:27 <championquizzer> yeah, has been a impressive amount of work. Really excited for this release!
16:30:29 <nah> yes
16:30:36 <nah> a lot of improvements :)
16:30:48 <donuts> i'm really looking forward to nicob's new icons in TB12 (hopefully)
16:31:26 <donuts> okay that's it from me this week
16:31:34 <donuts> any final comments before I close the meeting?
16:31:54 <championquizzer> one quick thing
16:32:23 <championquizzer> donuts: do you have a test stable 11.5? i was thinking about improving the screenshots for the updates to the manual and other docs
16:32:53 <championquizzer> the screenshots in the alpha branch are from TB alpha
16:32:57 <donuts> things have been so rushed I actually don't, the closest thing I have are the recent nightlies
16:33:16 <championquizzer> hrm, nightlies won't work..but is not a big problem
16:33:27 <championquizzer> i would just wait for the stable and update asap
16:33:34 <donuts> I think that's fine tbh
16:33:39 <championquizzer> update the docs that is
16:33:42 <championquizzer> yeah
16:33:55 <championquizzer> thanks all! o/
16:34:11 <donuts> thanks everyone! have a good week!
16:34:14 <nah> thank you all!
16:34:16 <nicob> thanks all!!
16:34:17 <donuts> #endmeeting