16:00:09 <cohosh> #startmeeting anti-censorship meeting 16:00:09 <MeetBot> Meeting started Thu Aug 12 16:00:09 2021 UTC. The chair is cohosh. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:09 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00:13 <cohosh> welcome :) 16:00:23 <hackerncoder> Thanks 16:00:30 <cohosh> here is our meeting pad: https://pad.riseup.net/p/tor-anti-censorship-keep 16:00:41 <cohosh> feel free to add to the agenda 16:01:57 <cohosh> i'll wait a minute or so for people to update the pad 16:02:10 <ggus> o/ 16:02:29 <cohosh> hi ggus! 16:02:47 <ggus> hi! i have one item for today :) 16:03:03 <cohosh> awesome :) 16:03:31 <cohosh> okay let's get started 16:03:42 <cohosh> arlolra: i think the first discussion item is from you? 16:03:57 <arlolra> yes 16:04:35 <arlolra> as it says, v3 of the manifest gets rid of background pages in favour of service workers 16:04:58 <arlolra> which, unfortunately, don't support creating peerconnection yet 16:05:05 <dcf1> This was a good thing to find early, thanks arlolra 16:05:16 <cohosh> yeah thanks for getting a head start on this 16:05:34 <cohosh> is there a timeline for cutting off v2 support? 16:05:54 <arlolra> i don't think it's imminent 16:06:16 <dcf1> https://blog.mozilla.org/addons/2021/05/27/manifest-v3-update/ 16:06:29 <cohosh> snowflake-webext!21 for reference 16:06:42 <dcf1> "As of this writing, we are hoping to complete enough work on this project to support developer testing in Q4 2021 and start accepting v3 submissions in early 2022. This schedule may be pushed back or delayed due to unforeseeable circumstances." 16:06:50 <dcf1> "We have not yet set a deprecation date for Manifest v2 but expect it to be supported for at least one year after Manifest v3 becomes stable in the release channel." 16:07:04 <dcf1> This is from an email from Firefox Add-ons that cohosh and arlolra probably got as well. 16:07:37 <arlolra> yeah, that was the impetus for looking into it 16:07:43 * cohosh finds it in inbox XD 16:08:22 <arlolra> there is an open bug to add support, but it sounds like they're looking for use cases 16:08:32 <cohosh> oh awesome 16:08:47 <arlolra> we should pitch them something 16:09:02 <cohosh> this one? https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-extensions/issues/77 16:09:22 <arlolra> yes 16:09:30 <cohosh> yup sounds good :) 16:09:49 <arlolra> I think I was reading the crbug linked there 16:09:58 <cohosh> do you want to pitch it? 16:10:10 <arlolra> https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1207214 16:10:42 <arlolra> sure, I can at least craft the case and bring it here for others to review 16:11:16 <cohosh> sounds good :) 16:11:41 <cohosh> thanks! 16:12:02 <cohosh> anything else for this? 16:12:14 <arlolra> nope, I merged the other two patches 16:12:30 <cohosh> \o/ 16:12:49 <cohosh> okay ggus the mic is all yours :) 16:13:10 <ggus> alright! 16:13:39 <ggus> so this week i started to contact people to find someone from TM 16:14:16 <ggus> as the direct tor connections are declining since july 16:14:33 <ggus> https://metrics.torproject.org/userstats-relay-country.html?start=2021-05-14&end=2021-08-12&country=tm&events=off 16:14:58 <ggus> one person answered this call and it's helping me to test. 16:16:01 <cohosh> very nice that you were able to find someone 16:16:32 <ggus> they installed tor browser for android, but they couldn't connect using obfs4, meek-azure and snowflake. so i provided a private bridge and it worked 16:16:59 <ggus> i also asked them to run emma, http://emma.mhgb.net/ but they couldn't visit the website. 16:17:44 <dcf1> ggus: private bridge was obfs4 or OR protocol? 16:18:05 <ggus> so today i emailed tobias and asked him the source code, meanwhile i'm trying to host a mirror here: http://emma.gus.computer/ 16:18:09 <ggus> dcf1: obfs4 16:18:38 <cohosh> hmm, i don't see any OONI data from TM 16:18:45 <ggus> yeah :/ 16:19:18 <dcf1> FYI, NTC has a subforum for Turkmenistan, https://ntc.party/c/internet-censorship-all-around-the-world/turkmenistan/17 16:19:18 <ggus> i'm thinking the next steps: if we want to ask them to run ooni or what 16:19:21 <cohosh> i can check our default bridge usage metrics 16:19:39 <cohosh> yeah i think an ooni test would be useful 16:20:06 <ggus> i will add this info on the ticket 16:20:39 <ggus> dcf1: oh i didn't know. thanks for sharing 16:21:58 <ggus> i think that's all from me and TM. let me know if emma.gus.computer works. 16:22:40 <ggus> i copied that this morning before my coffee, so maybe something is not working correctly. 16:22:57 <cohosh> ggus: it works for me on chromium 16:23:17 <cohosh> ... and firefox :) 16:23:19 <ggus> yay! 16:24:31 <cohosh> thanks for working on this ggus! 16:26:01 <cohosh> any more discussion for today? 16:26:09 <cohosh> or things anyone needs help with? 16:26:15 <hackerncoder> Just a question 16:26:28 <cohosh> hackerncoder: go for it! 16:27:10 <dcf1> hi hackerncoder, I see you sometimes being helpful on reddit threads, thanks for that 16:27:36 <hackerncoder> I'm smashing together all the gettor scripts so we can have something to automatically update, should I also implement only 1 archive.org item or collection: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/anti-censorship/rdsys/-/issues/32#note_2738854 16:27:48 <hackerncoder> np dcf1 16:28:38 <cohosh> hackerncoder: yeah if you're working on the scripts now and you're able to tackle that, it would be great 16:28:47 <cohosh> thank you for working on this 16:28:47 <hackerncoder> I'll do that then. 16:29:25 <cohosh> do you need any other help or feedback from us so far for this work? 16:30:01 <ggus> quick thing: today is happening elections in Zambia. please feel free to add more stuff on the ticket. and later we can push to metrics-timeline: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/community/support/-/issues/40032 16:30:27 <hackerncoder> I have no idea how rclone works, that's what is used for google drive 16:31:45 <hackerncoder> Does it need to be run pointing at a specific folder? 16:32:02 <cohosh> hackerncoder: hm, i am also not very familiar with it i found these specs when i first started working on gettor: https://rclone.org/drive/ 16:33:58 <cohosh> yes, if i'm understanding your question correctly 16:34:18 <cohosh> you specify the local file or folder you want to copy and where it should go at the remote 16:34:48 <cohosh> git there is also a configuration step you need to run first 16:35:02 <cohosh> and our script here assumes you have run it already: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/anti-censorship/gettor-project/gettor/-/blob/main/scripts/update_files#L35 16:36:07 <hackerncoder> I was more thinking about how git uses a .git folder and so if you run git somewhere else then it won't understand what you are doing, does rclone do the same? 16:37:44 <cohosh> ah no 16:37:54 <hackerncoder> Ok, that makes it easier 16:38:24 <cohosh> :) 16:39:11 * cohosh waits a few more minutes to see if there's anything else for the day 16:39:19 <dcf1> Zooming out the Turkmenistan graph is interesting. The recent decrease is actually returning to the level at the beginning of 2021. 16:39:22 <dcf1> https://people.torproject.org/~dcf/metrics-country.html?start=2020-01-01&end=2021-08-12&country=tm 16:40:38 <cohosh> oh good catch dcf1 16:41:23 <cohosh> still, it's puzzling that vanilla tor and the default bridges setting appeared to not work 16:45:18 <cohosh> the default bridge usage stats are so low: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/community/support/-/issues/40030#note_2747204 16:45:33 <cohosh> which is weird considering the much higher bridge usage counts 16:48:01 <cohosh> okay i think i'll end the meeting here, and we can continue discussion elsewhere 16:48:07 <cohosh> #endmeeting