16:37:56 #startmeeting 16:37:56 Meeting started Fri Oct 2 16:37:56 2020 UTC. The chair is terceiro. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:37:56 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 16:38:43 #topic new rubocop-packaging check 16:40:05 do I understand well that utkarsh2102 is not completely available right now? 16:40:18 I don't know he didn't say anything 16:40:31 If yes, we could start with my naive and short questions about packaging workflow 16:41:29 #info nobody available who did any digging in the issue, let's move on 16:41:39 #topic ruby3.0 build failure 16:42:07 this is also a topic utkarsh wanted to raise. 16:42:46 I tried to build the 3.0 preview. I got an error about rdoc, something about a conversion from Array to Hash impossible 16:43:08 this is a recent change in rdoc, but I hadn't time to investigate more. 16:43:21 ./miniruby -I./lib -I. -I.ext/common ./tool/runruby.rb --extout=.ext -- --disable-gems "./libexec/rdoc" --root "." --encoding=UTF-8 --all --ri --op ".ext/rdoc" --page-dir "./doc" --no-force-update "." 16:43:21 uh-oh! RDoc had a problem: 16:43:21 no implicit conversion of Array into Hash 16:43:36 I don't know if it is the same issue as the one utkarsh wanted to talk about 16:43:38 ah yes! 16:43:38 cf: https://salsa.debian.org/ruby-team/ruby/-/jobs/1034610#L3765 16:45:44 ok. I just ran the command 16:45:49 ./miniruby -I./lib -I. -I.ext/common ./tool/runruby.rb --extout=.ext -- --disable-gems "./libexec/rdoc" --root "." --encoding=UTF-8 --all --ri --op ".ext/rdoc" --page-dir "./doc" --no-force-update "." 16:46:04 from a fresh checked-out exp-ruby3.0-preview branch 16:46:09 it succeeded... 16:46:29 (not doing any build before, clean tree) 16:46:47 (no. not clean of course...) 16:48:07 (but no changes in tracked file wrt the tip of the branch) 16:56:13 also works for me 16:56:36 #info terceiro and boutil are able to build just fine 16:56:54 #info the rdoc documenation build fails on salsa ci 16:56:55 I think it is the diff in lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb 16:57:03 ah 16:57:06 it asks to sort a file_list on line 321 16:57:15 but now in 3.0, this file_list is a hash 16:57:38 tyhe sort was probably added for reproducible builds 17:01:45 the gather_files function is already sorting the file_list keys, so if it is the only place that matters, we may be just fine to drop the .sort from line 321 17:02:23 nice, yes, that's it 17:02:39 #info out patch for reproducible rdoc builds is causing the failure 17:02:50 #action utkarsh2102 to update the patch 17:03:00 let's go on 17:03:51 #topic rubocop-packaging - Gemfile that uses gemspec 17:04:07 #link https://github.com/rubocop-hq/packaging-style-guide/issues/4 17:07:22 bundler is really causing us problems in some scenarios... 17:07:37 not bundler, but how people use bundler wrong 17:08:15 yeah 17:08:19 if people are using it wrong we should try to warn them 17:09:55 by the way, are there some stats about the results of running rubocop-packaging-style-guide on code in Debian's archive? 17:09:56 kanashiro: there's a cop already doing that. 17:09:59 it also has an auto-corrector to fix it automatically! :D 17:10:31 boutil: not particularly hte Debian archive 17:10:40 but I've been sending patches a lot 17:10:48 to upstream 17:10:51 that are detected by rubocop-packaging 17:11:01 interestingly, all of them got merged! 17:11:02 utkarsh2102: good to know, good work :) 17:11:19 boutil: rails and rack, both have started using rubocop-packaging :D 17:11:30 great! 17:12:27 other 56 upstream repositories have started using rubocop-packaging in their Gemfile/gemspec -- and run them as their CI pipeline by default 17:12:34 cf: https://github.com/utkarsh2102/rubocop-packaging/network/dependents?package_id=UGFja2FnZS0xMjY1ODQyMzQ1 17:12:51 a list of repositories that are using rubocop-packaging^^ 17:13:03 we've got good feedback so far from the upstream 17:13:17 impressive 17:14:02 I would be curious to know how many of our patches we could drop if all upstream followed these recommendation 17:14:05 s 17:15:15 What would be the recommendation for the issue #4? 17:15:28 drop completely gemspec from the Gemfile? 17:18:08 boutil: 3 months back, there were around 2064 patches total for all the repositories under the Debian Ruby team's salsa namespace. 17:18:22 we don't really have a solution, because we don't really understand the issue at depth 17:18:26 let's move on 17:18:31 boutil[m]: are you listening to the call? 17:18:38 out of which, around ~700 can be for sure dropped with the help of rubocop-packaging. 17:18:49 700 at least, I think. 17:19:04 terceiro: I have no sound 17:19:07 ok 17:19:18 #topic packaging questions 17:19:25 boutil[m]: do you want to send a mail about that? 17:19:30 well in principle I could, but I couldn't hear anyone speaking... 17:19:44 you are all marked muted 17:20:01 ok there's something broken on your side then 17:20:07 about my packaging questions? 17:20:15 boutil[m]: no, about the call 17:20:20 jitsi :P 17:20:31 my suggestion is to ask your questions in the ML 17:21:25 let's move on 17:21:30 #topic AOB 17:21:52 I am lost. Ask about jitsi call on the ML? (which one?) 17:22:08 boutil: ask your questions about the ones that you put in the agenda on the list :D 17:22:23 #info kanashiro says ruby2.7 will FTBFS with the new glibc, there's already a patch from ubuntu 17:22:23 ok! 17:22:49 #endmeeting