========================= #debian-publicity Meeting ========================= Meeting started by cnote at 20:02:00 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/debian-publicity/2023/debian-publicity.2023-06-30-20.02.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * Debian turns 30 (cnote, 20:03:26) * AGREED: Promote the Anniversary with an announcement and call for local events, and celebrate it for a few days. We can use : #DebianDay #DebianDay2023 #Debian30years as the hashtags. We at this time should solicit artwork (cnote, 20:14:29) * DebConf/Camp (cnote, 20:14:53) * AGREED: Reach out to Sahil Dhiman about sponsors, CFPs. Move Debian coverage to @Debian only. Publish a bits post about the upcoming event, sponsors, Post about the bursary information and deadlines, use #Debian, #DebConf, #DebCamp, #DebianIndia as the hash tags, ask when schedule will be ready. (cnote, 20:27:26) * DPN into Bits? (cnote, 20:27:40) * AGREED: Revamp the DPN to use on the bits blog platform, shrink the sections to 4-5 paragraphs, establish a publish period of 1 or 2 weeks, reach out to teams and the dpl for posts, reach out to developers and teams for their input, publish a regular calendar of Debian and F/OSS events. (cnote, 20:41:08) * Upcoming point release for 12.1 (cnote, 20:41:35) * ACTION: cnote revamp DPN for shorter bits format (cnote, 20:45:15) * ACTION: cnote finish VersionRelease and PointRelease documentation for the publicity/press teams. (cnote, 20:45:45) * ACTION: jipege Look at prior DebConf posts for announcement posts and find the place to gather related information. (cnote, 20:49:02) * Open Discussion (cnote, 20:49:23) Meeting ended at 21:42:48 UTC. Action Items ------------ * cnote revamp DPN for shorter bits format * cnote finish VersionRelease and PointRelease documentation for the publicity/press teams. * jipege Look at prior DebConf posts for announcement posts and find the place to gather related information. Action Items, by person ----------------------- * cnote * cnote revamp DPN for shorter bits format * cnote finish VersionRelease and PointRelease documentation for the publicity/press teams. * jipege * jipege Look at prior DebConf posts for announcement posts and find the place to gather related information. * **UNASSIGNED** * (none) People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * cnote (117) * jipege (27) * MeetBot (2) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot