18:06:39 #startmeeting 18:06:56 #topic agenda at http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/Videoteam/Meetings - please say hi and missing agenda points 18:06:59 huhu 18:07:13 hi and missing agenda points 18:09:04 Hi. 18:10:10 Womble2, bwh ? Jon---_ dererk ? 18:11:29 #topic computer hardware needed for videoteam 18:11:45 #info still no news from junta, but anto is working on getting them from alternative place 18:12:08 #info but we might only get one camera so its good if we have alsa sound source 18:12:25 (as there were several camera offers) 18:12:55 one camera for 2 rooms ? :P 18:13:16 p2-mate: Didn't you know yet we're only doing 1 room this year? :) 18:13:35 http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf9/Videoteam/Hardware says that Jon---_ and xerrako also bring one 18:13:36 :) 18:13:37 so we only miss one 18:13:55 and there were several other offers 18:14:10 and we still have 1900e to spent 18:14:26 #info we will know by friday what we'll get from $junta 18:14:32 next topic? 18:15:02 rent a camera ? 18:15:11 yeah. we have 1900 to spent 18:15:27 we can buy a plane ! :) 18:15:28 Wasn't renting a different budget? 18:15:29 but its mood to discuss until friday 18:15:32 Q_, no 18:15:33 (or maybe not) 18:15:53 Q_, we also have 2k for AV stuff for the talk, ie projector and speakers 18:16:03 #topic audio hw 18:16:06 h01ger: I was under the impression that you said we had 3k + 2k 18:16:13 Q_, yes 18:16:42 we had 3k and spent 1.1, so we have 1.9 left. the 2k are not our budget but room/talk budget. (but spent for stuff we think about) 18:17:04 topic audio hw - except for the non-xlr cables we are fine? 18:17:11 #info we need to buy batteries 18:17:13 Anyway, I'm shipping lots of our audio equipment tomorrow, should arrive on wednesday. 18:17:46 the day after? 18:17:47 wow 18:18:23 h01ger: We _might_ have enough XLR cable, we could also use those TRS jack cables. 18:18:46 yeah 18:18:53 anything else to say about audio hw? 18:19:04 effects ? :) 18:19:18 but maybe we can hack something locally 18:19:25 we will see 18:19:46 other then that I think we are fine 18:20:12 You want things like an echo on it? :) 18:20:21 gate 18:20:21 #topic penta 18:20:25 or 18:20:28 we have time.. 18:20:43 Q_: vocoder ! 18:21:17 Q_: but gating might be useful 18:21:54 so, about penta, nothing new i guess. bwh and Ganneff still need to do some changes, probably 18:22:48 bwh, technically i can also do the changes, so we could also sit together at dc9 and do it there... 18:23:19 h01ger: What was the rest of the budget used for? 18:23:40 Q_, renting cameras. buying batteries. buffer. 18:23:51 we could maybe also buy a camera now if in need 18:23:54 Hi 18:23:59 (delayed) 18:24:00 bahamas sounds tempting too! 18:24:05 I mean the 1100 we spend now, I know about 700. :) 18:24:08 ¡holas dererk! 18:24:26 Q_, see http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/User:H01ger 18:24:32 h01ger: skiing trip in february then 18:24:41 #topic streaming setup 18:25:09 afaik this is also a bit blur. but the same as dc8, so it should be easy, even if edrz is not there this time 18:25:14 but it needs to be done 18:27:45 * h01ger has added streaming to his personal todo page now :) 18:27:55 first a test stream and the geo setup 18:28:04 first a test stream and to confirm the geo setup is still working 18:28:15 #topic other software issues 18:28:41 IMO this topic is moot without Womble2, as i know the setup and you havent done much on the software setup side yet :) 18:29:13 svn+ssh://holger@svn.debian.org/svn/debconf-video/fai-config/doc/README 18:29:24 is a starting point 18:30:11 we have a automated usbstick, which just asks for the hostname (suggests what dhcp suggests) and asks for manual partitioning. the rest is automatic 18:30:36 http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf9/Videoteam lists the machines 18:30:41 and their purposes 18:30:45 so you assume the machines do usb boot ... 18:30:51 which are configured automatically (according to the hostname) 18:31:02 p2-mate, yes. we know the machines. except Yoe's powerbook :) 18:31:22 but for that single machine its also easy to do half-automated 18:31:27 ha ! that's challenge indeed :) 18:31:38 the apt repo we use has ppc 18:31:44 the extra dc apt repo we use has ppc 18:31:50 I mean getting it to boot from usb 18:31:59 I know debian has ppc support :P 18:32:36 no, the debconf.org repo too 18:32:43 p2-mate, boot from cd 18:32:57 netboot 18:33:05 manually "pre"seed and start the script 18:33:10 to complicated :-D 18:33:13 anyway 18:33:18 #topic any other business 18:33:23 netboot is easy :P 18:34:14 oh hey, yesterday I ran dvswitch-dvgrab on a mac book pro + ubuntu 18:34:24 I figured it should work, but now we know 18:34:31 Sorry, caught up with work 18:34:38 CarlFK, we're in a meeting.. also almost done 18:34:49 What do you want to know about the software situation? 18:34:56 penta status? 18:35:15 Ganneff has never told me where the source is 18:35:24 hm. right. 18:35:27 bwh, did you get how to deploy the configuration with fai (and not with the dc-video packages) 18:35:32 let me do that now instead of postponing it again 18:35:34 * dererk backlogs 18:35:37 \o/ 18:35:45 /planes/airbus/A380/0/home/ganneff/penta ? 18:35:46 Ganneff: Or we can beat you with sticks when we get to Caceres 18:35:55 h01ger: No idea 18:36:12 bwh, no lets beat him now 18:36:49 bwh: only if you are a nice looking woman. which, last i saw you, you are not 18:37:11 bwh, are its not done yet. it was the idea/plan from dc8. so i will implement it, as it really is better than uploading the package just to change configs. (or change configs manually and fuck up) 18:37:48 .oO( Ganneff fancies being beaten with sticks? ) 18:37:57 bwh: whats your debconf machine login again? 18:37:58 :) 18:38:07 h01ger: i didnt say that. 18:38:13 h01ger: only by nice looking women 18:38:30 h01ger: preferably undressed probably 18:38:31 ah. benh 18:38:36 * h01ger tried to make the best out of that stupid comment.. 18:39:57 bwh: if you setup debconf.org access with ssh keys then you should be able to ssh access skinner.debconf.org 18:42:18 bwh: there you should be able to bzr clone/checkout/whatever /org/penta/bzr/debconf8 18:42:26 OK, thanks 18:42:44 thats code. if you need more - tel me. 18:42:57 if you want stuff changed, commit it in your tree and tell me what to bzr merge 18:43:02 * h01ger /msg'es Ganneffs phone number to bwh 18:43:31 anything else? 18:45:30 I don't think so 18:45:49 erm 18:49:20 So the meeting is over? 18:49:47 I think so ? 18:50:41 guess spo 18:50:49 thank you all, once again! 18:51:06 #endmeeting