Meeting started by h01ger at 20:02 UTC
20:03:08 Topic: who will be in the video team at fosdem?
20:03:13 LINK h01ger
20:06:23 IDEA h01ger we need more people volunteering for the shifts
20:08:19 Topic: missing items: camera1, tripod, mics + audio cables
20:14:23 LINK xerakko
20:20:58 Topic: computer set up (hardware, with a focus on software. but not software setup yet)
20:38:38 LINK h01ger
20:45:11 LINK h01ger with more positions, please look at it
20:57:22 ACTION h01ger computer placement and usage needs to be finalized after Womble2 tested the sound qualitfy of the vga2dv box
20:57:28 Topic: software set up
21:11:18 Topic: beverage of choice
Meeting ended at 21:11.

People Present:
  1. WombleToo
  2. h01ger
  3. edrz
  4. p2-mate
  5. toresbe
  6. xerakko
  7. daven
  8. hermanr
  9. Ganneff

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