#debconf-team: DebConf 24 orga team meeting. Agenda: https://deb.li/dc24meet

Meeting started by pwaring at 12:58:06 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll Call (pwaring, 12:58:10)
  2. DC23: Outstanding reimbursements (pwaring, 13:00:52)
  3. DC24: Budget (pwaring, 13:02:14)
    1. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1k2pcSD5dEVl6PAJBLy6ApqyzkvQrj8SSQhroGQ9aykQ (pwaring, 13:02:22)
    2. AGREED: Budget to be sent to DPL for approval by 6th Feb (pwaring, 13:06:08)

  4. DC24: Website (pwaring, 13:06:41)
    1. https://debconf24.debconf.org/ (pwaring, 13:06:56)
    2. https://debconf24.debconf.org/sponsors/become-a-sponsor/ (DLange, 13:09:41)

  5. DC24: Teams (pwaring, 13:10:23)
    1. https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/24/TeamRoles (pwaring, 13:10:52)

  6. DC24: Site visit (pwaring, 13:13:23)
  7. DC24: Sponsors (pwaring, 13:15:14)
  8. DC24: Fundraising flyer and brochure (pwaring, 13:18:26)
    1. https://www.overleaf.com/read/yzqxmnxpsjrz (pwaring, 13:19:11)

  9. DC24: Promotion campaign (pwaring, 13:20:54)
  10. DC25 (pwaring, 13:33:33)
    1. https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/25/Bids/ (pwaring, 13:34:21)
    2. ACTION: gwolf + committee to call for DC25 bids and follow up (pwaring, 13:36:19)

  11. Meeting schedule (pwaring, 13:36:43)
  12. AOB (pwaring, 13:37:09)

Meeting ended at 13:40:49 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. gwolf + committee to call for DC25 bids and follow up

Action items, by person

  1. gwolf
    1. gwolf + committee to call for DC25 bids and follow up

People present (lines said)

  1. pwaring (50)
  2. gwolf (17)
  3. jmkim (16)
  4. nattie (15)
  5. tumbleweed (11)
  6. santiago (7)
  7. youngbin[m]1 (5)
  8. DLange (4)
  9. MeetBot (2)
  10. GyeongtaekKim[m]1 (1)
  11. weepingclown (1)
  12. changwoo[m] (1)
  13. EnkelenaH[m] (1)

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